
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Time to get serious

 I survived 2 weeks of scouts and it is time to get back to being serious with the quilts.  But first I have to re-cap the last 2 days.  My youngest son Jared is now a cub scout and that means he finally gets to go to Cub Day Camp.  This last Friday and Saturday we spent the whole day up at camp and I believe I can safely say he had fun.  With just 3 pictures I will show how it worked out.

Day 1 don't I look cute and clean.

Crab walking as part of one of the dusty  activities we got to do.

What we have to go home?  I still have a few inches of me not dirty.

When I got back from camp Tanya had 4 rolls of queen size batting that she found on sale for half off (with an additional 20% off coupon) and she asked if I was mad.  I said heck no.  Next thing I know she drags me to another store an I buy 5 more.  I guess all the tops we have completed need to finally get finished.

I did finally get 2 more blocks in the beginners quilt along done, I am still behind.  Tanya has 2 more done and is caught up I will post her's later as I have a lot of items I want to post and still need to take pictures of them (she has been working hard and I want to show it off)

I have also been sewing together the country version of my color blast quilt.  I need to sit down some time soon and make up the pattern.  My plan is to put it up here on my blog and get some advice on how to make a good tutorial.  And then polish it and put it for sell on etsy! Maybe I will get rich NOT! 


  1. the dirtier they get, the more fun they had! he surely had a lot of fun!

    Love the grey / rust colour combination in your 'country version'. I keep seeing colour combinations on line, that I wouldn't naturally put together, but that look really good!

  2. No se como tiene tanta energía ,luego de 2 semanas de campamento!
    Los niños sucios siempre están felices , según mi experiencia escout.
    Veremos un tutorial?

  3. He looks so happy good job Richard! Somethings little boy need their Dad to do with them! Cub Scouts teaches so many good things! Glad you could go with him!

  4. Whew, I guess I am old. Just seeing him crab walk makes my back hurt.

  5. Children need dirt to help build their immune systems. Look what a good parent you were letting him work on that!

    I really like your "country" colors. Looks almost patriotic to me.

    I buy batting by the roll the day after T-giving at JoAnns. In the morning it is half off and I generally have a coupon to give me another 10 or 20% off. It is nice because I have less waste than with the precuts.

  6. Hi! Your skills are building wonderfully!
    Question: how did you number your comments? I've tried a few times, but didn't work...
    Thanks, Leslie

  7. Great Scout pictures. =) Loved those times. You haz a batting stash! It won't last long at the rate you make quilt tops. =) Love that country colors one especially well.


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