
Monday, August 27, 2012

Block Swaps and Finished Tops

Posted by Richard

To start out tonight I want to say sorry to my block swap partners for July on the and 12 1/2 inch swaps.  I have been doing too many things, but not the right things .In an attempt to right the ship I sent each of my partners 2 blocks this month (while my July block partners, I still need to do August I might make it by the end of the month).

While not completely slacking on my block swaps, I did finish a quilt top last night for a baby blanket.

I started this top last week to do a "Quick and Easy" project.  Partly because I think the simplicity of this type of quilt is nice and partly because I ran out of baby girl quilts in my stash and needed one for the etsy store.  I have done many HST and never had a issue with them.  This ended up any thing but Easy.  I did a fast Google to find out measurements to cut a HST and found a neat blog post about how you could sew 2 fabrics face to face around all 4 sides and then cut a x across it and presto 4 HSQ.  I though wow such a great idea.  WRONG! worst thing I ever did in my life. I keep forgetting I am still new to quilting and I have a lot to learn.  I have heard about sewing on bias and never ever had issues with sewing any angles.  While because I had all 4 sides of my triangle cut at angles when it came to sewing those dumb blocks back together it made me want to scream.  (this is where Tanya would pipe in and tell you I did scream.  In fact I stomped around a little and yelled).  So it is now my opinion that I hate that method which seemed so quick and cool when I started and ended up terrible   

Any way my little princess can always calm me down (not sure who took this picture, it was on the camera when I downloaded the rest) but she is in Jail in her crib and she has one of them let me out of here looks on her face.  I just can't believe she is growing up so fast.

Speaking of growing up, Jared is in 3rd grade and again I found on the camera this official I got dressed and ready for school picture.

A reminder for any one that missed I have 2 giveaways going on

has 3 different prizes.

Giving away a FQ and 2 bowls my sister in law made.


  1. Triangulations is the easiest way that I've found to make HST's. this is a YouTube demo. I have the old version, now there is a newer version that I want. These come out correct every time. No bias edges to deal with.

  2. Hey Richard I had to laugh. I remember discovering that method and going through the same process. I do have one suggestion: whenever you get to where the bias or any differential between top and bottom fabrics is giving you trouble use your walking foot. And don't yank on the fabric, let the walking foot do the work. One thing I like about tops with horizontal and vertical seams sewn on the bias is they have a kind of supple quality to them, that's especially good for kid quilts which are pulled and yanked in all directions! Anywho, it may not be as square as you like but it is a very cute quilt. I love the cheerful colors! cheers, Claire W.

  3. Great pic of Jared! Love your blocks, and your new top. If you check the tutorials page on my desertskyquilts blog, you will find, toward the bottom, one on how I do my hst, and I'm always happy with them.

  4. Love the HST quilt! I made one for my niece a while ago, and it was more work than I anticipated, but I love the look of them!!! And I got behind on my swap commitments before, making a second block is always my way of saying sorry!


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