
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Others quilting using my pattern

I always enjoy it when I get emailed a picture of a quilt made using one of our patterns.  This quilt was made by a lady name Connie using our Windows Quilt Pattern.  If you would like this pattern free please visit the Windows Quilt Pattern on Craftsy and leave a nice comment on the pattern and come back her and leave a comment and I will email you a copy.

Oh ya a reminder.  3/28/2014 is Julia's 2nd b-day to celebrate we are giving away some fat quarters so don't forget to stop by for Link a Finish Friday and Julia's B-Day to help us celebrate.

Oh ya almost forgot this Windows Quilt Pattern was linked up on Craftsy and I wanted to share it too.

If your in a good mood you can go comment on there link up and tell them they did a great job you can find it here.


  1. I commented on your craftsy pattern. :)

  2. I really like this quilt, Richard. The more you look at it, the more the design changes and looks like a different pattern. I went to the next blog post and looked at the other quilts you had taken pictures of.. They are sooo beautiful. Great job!

  3. I commented at Craftsy about this lovely pattern with all the square corners-my style !~!

  4. That would be fun to make in RWB scraps for Quilts of Valor. Just keep adding blocks till it's big enough. Hope Julia's birthday was great!

  5. What great examples of how value choice can make the same pattern look totally different!


Thanks in advance for leaving a comment. I love to learn from the kind words of others.