
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

HST #2

Another HST quilt for our collection.  As some may remember we started this HST thing many months back making 3 quilts * 3 fabrics.  This quilt was the 2nd quilt from the 2nd fabric.   You can find the pattern for this quilt on Craftsy.

Tanya for these quilt,s took a trip to the park with Julia and took some pictures of quilts while Julia played.  Tanya and I are still playing with our pictures.  We are happy that its warming up and greening up as outside pictures are great.

Its funny that as Tanya takes pictures the only flaw I find in them is that the quilt is upside down.  Now how can a non directional quilt be upside down?  Simple I quilted it and I quilted it going the other direction.  So its wrong but for every one else its just fine.

Last of all I like this simple quilt in a pile great picture Tanya.  Thank you for taking pictures of the quilts while the sun shines.


  1. Good morning to you both from a very sunny England, now that is one very pretty quilt the colours go together perfectly. Thank you for sharing.

    Peg x

  2. It is a GREAT happy color quilt! I, too, like the other orientation. The triangles seem top-heavy when the white is down instead of the colors. =) But any of the pics are super, because it's a super quilt!

  3. Great pics! Love the HST's and the striped binding is perfect.

  4. What a bright and cheerful quilt.

  5. How fun that I have been following you on instagram for some weeks now, and suddenly came across your blog in the Finish it Up Friday!
    I love HST and that's why I chose your entry. Love the colours on this one!

  6. visiting from crazy mum quilts. This is lovely. Really appealing in the photography

  7. Very pretty! I love all the bright, fun colors.

  8. I love how this quilt is so nice and cheery. You can't go wrong with HST and so nice to have green grass!!


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