
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mothers Day!

Today sadly I have no new quilts to share but I need to reflect some on mothers day love.  My 4 kids are up (some under protest) and at the top of their lungs yelling at each other are Quietly making mother breakfast in bed.  I want to say how much I love my wife and mother and all the mothers before them that make my family possible.  Mothers are a treasured gift.  Happy mothers day to all.

Now if I can just keep the kids from killing each other before breakfast is served.  The Joys of Fathers on Mothers day!


  1. LOL...such a typical Mother's Day morning. Your wife is a lucky lady!

  2. I bet she was sweetly blessed when she woke. :)

  3. Your last comment made me smile. I loved your description of the chaos of breakfast in bed. =) What sweet thoughts about mothers.


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