
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Car Quilt

Tanya and I made this car quilt for a family at church who recently had a baby.  This is the 3rd quilt we have made with this material it is a interesting print from I believe Australia or  at least made for there as some of the signs show kangaroo crossings.

Each quilt we made used basically the same designs.  I like but don't like the material at the same time.  It is cute but because of the size of the prints its hard to figure out what to make of the material but all in all I think it turned out well.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Purple Owl Quilt

Tanya has been up to her old tricks again making cute rag quilts here is a cute purple owl quilt.  She also took the time recently to sit down and take pictures of many of our quilts that we have not yet posted and those that did not have great pictures I think she did a fantastic job.

For this quilt she had 2 alternating squares on the front with the purple flannel on the back.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Link A Finish Friday #127

Wow what a month we have had at our house I have finally gotten off my tail end and quilted something.  And so has Tanya she has like 6 rag quilts either done or almost so.  But I wanted to show off what I made.  And over the next few weeks as pictures and blog posts get done we will show the others.

Its not complete but its at least a top completed.  Now to show off the true hero's from last week here are some of the fantastic quilts linked up last week.

Now it is time to share what you have been working on.

Monthly Giveaway of $15 Gift Card from our sponsor Fat Quarter Shop. Please thank them and visit them for your quilting needs here are some of the places you can find them.

Their store at their blog and Facebook page

Link up Rules are simple.  Link up something you have finished, Worked on, blogged about, slaved over or other wise accomplished over the last week or so.

No item not allowed.  Link up some of yours, visit some of the others and enjoy your quilting day.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Link A Finish Friday #126

Here are some great linked up items from the previous week.

Now it is time to share what you have been working on.

Monthly Giveaway of $15 Gift Card from our sponsor Fat Quarter Shop. Please thank them and visit them for your quilting needs here are some of the places you can find them.

Their store at their blog and Facebook page

Link up Rules are simple.  Link up something you have finished, Worked on, blogged about, slaved over or other wise accomplished over the last week or so.

No item not allowed.  Link up some of yours, visit some of the others and enjoy your quilting day.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Working on Rag Quilts and other projects!

Trying to get back into things after the busy last 3 weeks, Tanya and I decided to do some of the many rag quilts we have been putting off.  For my part, I chopped up all of the fabrics and stacked them in piles and spare boxes we had in the front room.

Tanya picked fronts and backs and started to sew X's on them

As you can see from the various pictures we have stuff for at least 6-8 rag quilts.

The 2 below boxes were given to me from Tanya to sew into quilts.  I cut the fabric, she sewed the X's, I sewed the quilts together and she will cut them.  Each of us doing the parts that we were fast at.

Below is one of the 4 quilts that I finished sewing the 2 above and the green turtles too. 

All in all its a wide variety of materials and colors.  Tanya does a great job picking colors and putting them together.

Lastly tonight I started quilting my orange diagonal quilt.  When I sat down to make this post, I found this picture in my email. This was created by one of my blog followers that got a free diagonal quilt pattern from me.  I love how this quilt turned out and am a fan of the red/black/grays together.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Link A Finish Friday #125

Here are some great linked up items from the previous week.

Now it is time to share what you have been working on.

Monthly Giveaway of $15 Gift Card from our sponsor Fat Quarter Shop. Please thank them and visit them for your quilting needs here are some of the places you can find them.

Their store at their blog and Facebook page

Link up Rules are simple.  Link up something you have finished, Worked on, blogged about, slaved over or other wise accomplished over the last week or so.

No item not allowed.  Link up some of yours, visit some of the others and enjoy your quilting day.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The crazy last week is over

Two weeks ago before my father in law passed away Tanya and I went shopping and I found some more lizards.  My wife gets kind of tired of my impulses but she let this one go.  These are some flannel ones we found and I think they are cute.  We will make a couple baby rag quilts out of it.  Sadly cutting it up was the last sewing and cutting work I had a chance to do.

My father in law's funeral was great.  Tanya shared some great stories of her dad as well as her sister and a couple friends of her dads.  My father in law had a fantastic casket that was hand made with neat designs burned into the knotty pine. The below plaque is a example of the neat work.

My father in law was a man of the earth and even his casket spay included dead sage brush, pine boughs and just a few flowers, very fitting for him.   His last ride the the cemetery was behind his Jeep, rather then in the hearse that drove in front of it.

After the funeral on the 3rd, the kids needed a release and they got to celebrate the 4th with almost every cousin in the family on hand.

My son Jared got the ultimate bribe this last week to be good at both the funeral and on the ride up and back home.  He earned Benny's Space other wise known as "spaceship, spaceship, SPACESHIP!!" for all of those lost on this, its from the Lego's Movie.  I underestimated its cost when I offered it too him as a bribe when I got back it turns out its a $100 Lego set.  Good thing he was a great kid this weekend.  It even took him 2 full days to assemble it which gave me some more time to rest.

All and all live is slowly getting back to normal.  Now to go sit down and make a quilt and let the tension out  after our stressful week