
Saturday, July 22, 2017

Creepy Crawly Spiders

It has been way too long since I have posted a blog post and I guess that has to change.  Any way this last week Jared has been at scout camp and I went up to visit him his last night.  While up there, I found this spider and it looked cool so I gook a picture. It goes well with my post so, I thought I would start with it.

It has been a long time since I last quilted.  But today, I put the binding on 3 table runners that I started a year ago and never finished in time for Halloween.  Well this year I got them done in time.

They are just simple squares type of table runners.  You can download the pattern free from our Craftsy Pattern store.  When they are washed they will end up in our Etsy Store.

Not that the picture is very clear but I quilted this quilt last week and its now in the binding pile.


  1. I wondered if church and family (oh yes, and work!) were keeping you two so busy you had no time to post any more. I've come over two or three times to make sure I wasn't missing anything you posted. =) It does feel good to pick up again, I bet, and finish some things. Looks like you still know how!

  2. Hi I was just going through my email and was ticked you had posted! Come join my sew along for August! Hope all is well with you both and the children!


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