Wednesday, August 29, 2012

And the fun begins

Today's post by Richard.

To the victor goes the spoils or so Julia is telling us.  For those that have followed my blog for long you know that I started quilting because of Julia.  She is such an amazing little girl.  When she was born her little arm (right arm was hurt). We did not really talk about it because it worried us a lot and of course its a private matter.  She has a early intervention therapist that has been coming over to our house to help us learn what we could do to help her.  While yesterday they told us that they are going to do an evaluation and possibly kick her out of the program.

What? They don't want to help her any more? In the last week or so Julia has decided she can reach and grab any thing that is near.  As any good parent we try to keep things out of reach and we let her down on the ground as much as possible.  While sadly we now have a problem.

(if you are reading this in reader there is a video that you will want to watch)

Yes, Julia Dawn Healey is mobile.  Nothing is going to stand in the way of her getting to and eating all the paper in the house.  One thing I would like to point out is Julia turned 5 months old yesterday.  When I brought her home from the hospital the manual said

"Most babies learn to crawl between the ages of 7and 10 months"

Some one needs to let her know that she is breaking all the rules, now who has the manual for the advance speed kids? Needless to say I think her right arm is doing fine and ya its ok that she is getting booted from the program.


Gwen said... 1

What a precious little girl Julia is! And a smart little girl too! :-)

Mhairi said... 2

Beware. My two were mobile at around the same age as Julia and my little girl was WALKING at 10 months. Some people say - aren't you lucky. No!!! A 10 month old is too young to want to be that independent and should still be crawling!!.
Good luck, and I am really pleased that Julia is getting kicked out of her program, shows she is an advanced baby. :D

Impera Magna said... 3

WTG, Julia! Congrats on graduating from the program... you GO, girl!

Gene Black said... 4

She is too cute! I love that video. Yaaay for successful therapy!

JLVerde said... 5

That first picture is so perfect. The piece of paper reads "durable". I think that describes Julia very well. Strong and able to weather rough moments and come back strong!

Elisabetta said... 6

I am very happy for you! these are definitely good news!
give Julia a big hug from Italy, come on girl, you have the girl power ^^)

Mary said... 7

Congratulations! The problem with the baby "manual" is that the babies don't get to read it ahead of time. They don't know about those rules - which is good!

My middle son was a little horse - no fat, just a big boy. He walked on his own at 8 months. My neighbor kept looking at him and saying, "That is impossible. Babies don't walk that early."

I said, "Don't tell him that because it is a relief to not have to carry him all the time!"

Glad Julia is recovering nicely. It is frightening to see them struggle at all.

Joyce Carter said... 8

I am so happy that Julia is doing so well.It fills my heart with joy just seeing her moving around on her own. She always looks so happy. Please give her a big hug from me!

Elizabeth said... 9

There's a manual? That must be new since I brought my kids home from the hospital! Where can I get my hands on one?

And you are completely right about Julia being a cutie! Love the video!

xo -E

LethargicLass said... 10

the best part is the paper saying durable :) She sure is!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said... 11

My oldest was walking before 10 months, and saying 3+ word sentences before 10 months. Babies do things when they want to, not when they are told to. So glad that Julia is doing so well. Happy and healthy is what we all want for her.

Linda said... 12

What a cutie! So glad she is getting kicked out of the program.
Good luck keeping up with her!

Anonymous said... 13

She's doing a great job of moving, near as I can tell!

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