Monday, August 20, 2012

Random Ramblings

This post is brought to you by Tanya, complete with non edited pictures.  This computer doesn't have photo editing software. Please ignore the messy desk.

Last Friday, I was really getting fed up with our Singer Stylist sewing machine. Richard's Janome scares me at this point  (I am afraid I will break it and we need two machines, yes technically a third machine, since I don't like Rebecca's little mechanical one).   I told him we need to do something with this machine, so we looked up the warranty information and found out parts and labor were covered for a year. We bought the machine online, but took it back to a local store. After locating the box and the second trip to the store, they refunded our purchase price and we went and bought a new machine at a different store. They only carry sewing machines online. 

Ignore the messy desk. 
Yes it is the same model sewing  machine.  Richard figured if we were buying a new entry line machine, we may as well buy something I was familiar with and that the extension table we already have will fit.  It is amazing how much easier it it to sew with a non-wobbly sewing machine.

Over the weekend, Richard quilted the purple Double Churn/Rail Fence quilt for my Step Mother's Christmas gift.    It is ready to be bound, in fact the binding is already prepped.  Here is a picture of the back,  and a close up of one of the six butterflies. One of us will post about the finished quilt in a day or two.

Below is the partial top I am working on for my Sister in Law Megan.  She claims to be a girly girl, so hopefully she likes it and appreciates the not so perfect quilt top.  Yes, it is definitely the work of a beginner.  Stuff doesn't line up like I wanted it to. I have leaned tons while make this top, like how important it is to measure exactly, iron seams correctly and also to have a real plan instead of just making random blocks I saw in a book. Making the finished quilt block a size I had a square ruler to trim would have probably been helpful as well. I think it helps to have a non-broken machine too.
Richard finished the twin sized Batik top he has been working on.  It looks gorgeous.  It is going to be a pain to baste though.  I have a bit unusual way to baste quilts, but it works great for baby or lap quilts.  We have powerful magnets that we bought at quilting show and I hang the quilt sandwich on the wall after a few safety pins have been added and baste it while it is hanging up. 
To end this post here are a two cute pictures of Julia.  Disclaimer, before you think we are horrible parents, she grabbed the bag and liked the noise it made and I thought it would be a cute picture.  She was not eating the chips and was mad we took it away before she could eat the bag.


Joyce Carter said... 1

Good Morning, Tanya. The quilt you are making for your sister-in-law is looking gorgeous. It will really be a beautiful quilt when you finish it.
Julia is growing so much and she is so adorable. I love the pictures you took of her.She looked like she was having fun.Have a great day!

Unknown said... 2

It's party time over at Debt Free Mommy Blog and you're invited! Please come by and link up any post(s) related to making your home a better space. I hope you'll join us for Making Space Mondays. Hope to see you there! -Tabitha

Lisa Cox said... 3

She's so cute. And getting so big so fast! Love the batik quilt. And the little applique flowered one.

Nicole said... 4

Those are lovely quilts!

Anonymous said... 5

Julia is getting so big so fast! Love both Richard's 25-patch and your 9-patch. They are both great designs.

Jill said... 6

More gorgeous quilts - and a gorgeous little girl too!! :)

Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
Hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success

DangAndBlast! said... 7

Love the mohawk! My brother was born in 1990 and had a mohawk, and my sister and I thought he was just so cool. I've used (cleaned) Doritos bags to put inside crinkle toys I made for the baby.

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