Saturday, January 12, 2013

I need more strings.

Well I guess I don't need strings, as much as string blocks.  I went to try and organize some of my sewing room today (since I was making the kids clean and all I figured it just seemed fair, I did also.   It started with the great intent to clean up some of the mess.  I saw all the strings laying around, some of which I bought in a bag of scraps for 3 bucks and some are scraps from projects I have done.  I made 4 initially.  Then I found a few more strings that looked good and made another 11.  So I showed Tanya my nice pile of string blocks (these are 6 1/2 squares) and she looks over and says they look too red.  Hum, I like red?  Maybe I should have used more variety. I ask her what I should have done and then she just looks over again and tells me she really does not like random.  So what do I do now, she hates them?  Oh I know.

Yep you guessed it, I just made more blocks.  My feelings is you can't make every one happy all of the time.   Over the years I have learned Tanya does not like all my wise choices (or even my unwise ones). I will keep using up all those silly scraps up that I have until I run out of them.  Overall the layout plan I am going for will be something like this.

This is something I whipped up in EQ7.  Its 9 x 12 blocks (total of 108 blocks). Seeing as I have around 30 blocks it won't be any time soon.  I will from time to time add blocks to my collection.  The blocks today that I made ended up in my homeless block box (Yes I have a box with a lot of various blocks in it now). It might take me 6 months to finish this one, but its at least started today and a little of my cleaning is done.  Oh and for any one that was wondering, while I was distracted the kids did not clean and the house is still a mess, oh well there is always tomorrow.

I will end with this cute picture of Julia. Tanya was trying to get a cute picture of Julia and out of all of her toys it was her shoe she chose to play with.


LuAnn said... 1

I love your string blocks, and I don't think you can have too much red! Julia is a beautiful little girl. It doesn't seem like she should be old enough to sit up yet.

Mike Pearson said... 2

I love random! Keep it going!

Gene Black said... 3

The string blocks look good to me. I say keep adding. And ask Tanya to make some without red to balance it out.
Isn't it just like a kid - most like playing with the box more than the toy that came in the box.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said... 4

I like the strings too,

Deb@asimplelifequilts said... 5

Julia is adorable and to me the beauty and fun of string blocks is that they are random! Keep going...

Barb Neiwert said... 6

Perfect solution: make more blocks! Love it. Your little Julia is perfect, too.

Joyce Carter said... 7

I love the string blocks. I like the scrappy look of them so keep making them.
Julia sure is getting big and so adorable. I found that most kids had rather play with things around the house than toys.Go figure!

Richard Healey said... 8
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Mary E. Stephens said... 9

It will be interesting to see how this looks when you get it done. I have one block like this made, which I also did with paper piecing. I think mine's smaller, though as my book was smaller to begin with.

I got a used book on the history of food, but just a little ways into it I realized the author had gotten something seriously wrong, so I didn't waste my time finishing the book. But, I looked at the paper and thought it might work for paper piecing, and it did. LOL So, it's being put to good use after all. :-) I have another simple design idea for those pages that will use up scraps other than strips too.

Mary said... 10

I like red and I like scrappy. I am not a fan of string quilts generally but I am curious to see where yours goes. Keep it up. If we don't venture out of our boxes we never try anything new!

Anonymous said... 11

I like red, and scrappy and string blocks. Just can't go wrong. LOL I always use a red strip in the middle of mine, and blue on the corners, but they are going for soldier quilts, so that makes sense. Other colors go in between. And I use my 7" square ruler to square them up. I don't use a foundation paper or fabric, just start with that center 11" red strip and go from there, trimming as I go. Your blocks look great, and in no time you'll have enough. It's a great leader-ender project.

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