Tonight I finished my purple Granny Square Baby Quilt Top. This is made from 2 1/2 inch purple blocks. Originally we bought these colors for Rebecca's wedding quilt but she well has since broken up from that um relationship. But even before the brake up I started this quilt as I love the Granny Squares and I love purple. And well Babies need quilts so hey what better then to make them a quilt. I cant believe that Julia our Baby is now big enough to hold my Baby quilts up for me.

make a blanket for her cat and dog for her doll house. They are extremely cute. She has hand sewed some of her stuffed animals together and she has even helped me sew a few blocks from time to time on a few quilts here or there when she does not drive dad completely crazy. Not that you would expect a 6 year old to drive dad completely crazy but she does.
I am still looking for those that are interested in trying out my to go give it a try. It is a free site to use you can create a user account and share any crafting hobby like quilting, knitting, pottery, wood crafting etc. I am looking for people to try it out and add some items and give me feed back on the user experience. I need to know what makes sense and what does not. What I can add to be more user friendly etc. I am creating the site to be a place where I can share my quilts and where others can share their crafts and hobbies. I of course dont want it to only be me using the site so I need others that would be willing to use the site so that I alone am not using it. Again Check it out
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