Civil War Quilt Along

I am joining in with a Civil War Quilt along.  I wanted to create a page that I could share what I am doing and link back to posts that I have or will talk about what I am working on.  I will put more here when I have more info to share.  Above is a link back to the main page of the group about this quilt along.

Sample links to add to your site.


If you copy the below code and past it into your site you would get the above code.  Let me explain some of the tags.

<center> </center> - Between the tags centers the code.
<a href="link_to_here">Text here</a> - Link to some where using text
<a href="link_to_here"><img src="Image_link_here" width="125" /></a> - Link a image

<textarea id="code-source" name="code-source" rows="4"> stuff in here </textarea> - this text area thing is what makes it able to put the code into your webpage that some one can copy and past to their site. The rows is how many rows you want to show.  Note in the box above and the one below the href target and the image would need to be changed to put on your own site.

to get your image right click on image and select "Copy Image URL" and place that in the image tag between the quotes on the src="" tag. 


Mhairi said...

Awesome Job James. Thanks so much for taking the time to create these. I only wish I had a blog to put mine on. I really appreciate the time you have taken to create these. They are marvellous.
Thanks again

Needled Mom said...

Thank you so much, James and Richard for the time and effort in making the button for us as well as the instructions to add it to our blog.

Jane's Quilting said...

Thank you for the buttons. I am going to add them to my blog now. It was so thoughtful of the two of you to do this for us. Thanks again.

Hilachas said...

Yay! It worked! I think. Thanks to you and your son for these nice buttons :)

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