Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Crazy at Our House

The last couple of weeks have been crazy, both good and bad.  James (our 18 year old) has had his truck break down several times in the last few weeks,  so we have been taking him to work each day.  We got a new car for him today, yea,  something that isn't almost as old as he is.  The last few weeks of school are beyond crazy, bad and good. One kid done, another has 2 days left.

Last week was my (Tanya's) birthday and I know, we never got around to a giveaway.  We found out last week that my dad has Colon Cancer. We don't have a prognosis yet, still waiting on results.   "Happy Birthday and by the way I have Cancer" are not two things you want to hear in the same call. Today, Jared turns 10. We are taking Jared and some of his friends from school to a movie to celebrate on Thursday. Seven kids, we don't know very well who are on the Autistic Spectrum should be fun, right?   Wish us luck.

On Saturday, we are participating in our first Craft Fair/Boutique.  We have been trying to get everything ready for that, along with everything else that is happening around us.  We have at least 3 quilts, lots of pot holders, a few table runners and some pillows that are waiting for pictures. Richard hates posts without a picture, so I added what our banner looks like.

To add insult to injury, Richard's sewing machine was having major tension issues.  It is in the shop, we don't know if it just needed a major cleaning  and tuneup or if "Princess Trouble", ie Julia, adjusted it too much. He is currently back to using  the same model of machine he started sewing on (Rebecca's Singer).  It is funny to hear him complain about how small the Singer is compared to his larger Janome  He keeps wondering how he ever quilted anything bigger than a table runner on it in the past.

If  we survive Jared's birthday party and Craft fair, we will have a  giveaway next week.   Hopefully life will slow down a little and we can get pictures done soon and I can get some more sleep.


Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about your father.

What craft fair? I need to pay better attention and start getting some of my stuff into the fairs.

Also are you 2 going on the shop hop this week?

Joyce Carter said...

I am sorry to hear about your father, Tanya. I hope everything works out okay for all of you.
Happy Birthday.

barbara woods said...

Praying for your father

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your dad. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your dad. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Cindy F said...

Prayers for your father.

Vicki H said...

Positive thoughts for you father. Happy Birthday to you.

Lisa said...

Sending prayers to your family for everything. Life is crazy here too, happens when you have children big or small. Hope the party goes well. Happy Birthday Tanya!

Mike Pearson said...

Like your new banner. They always say when life gives you lemons, join a craft fair :)

Gene Black said...

Peace be with you Tanya. I know the difficulty of finding out a parent has cancer. My dad had lung cancer.

Good luck with the movie gang!

And best of luck at the Craft Fair.

Peg said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your Dads diagnosis, I will keep him in my prayers. Please don't give up hope,let him know he has your full support. I'm in the middle of my own cancer battle right now and without my immediate family's support I would have given up.

Oh these children, they grow up so quickly don't they, I wish you great fun when you take them to the movies :)

A big happy birthday wishes and hug to you. I hope you have a great day at the craft fair.

Peg xx

Fun, Factual, Weird, and Breathtaking said...

Happy belated Birthay, Tanya! I am so sorry to hear that your dad has colon cancer. My mom died from colon cancer, but that was because she was never given the proper exams to diagnose it by her doctor. We didn't know until 12 days prior to her dying that she had this.

Good luck this weekend at the craft fair. They are so much fun to do, but I always shopped too much at other people's booths.

I will keep you father and you all in my prayers.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Sorry about your dad. Hopefully they caught it early, and treatments will cure it. I get the crazy busy, difficult times. It's hard. About tension, has Julia been to my house??? I have a few machines with tension issues. What a pain! Hope the newer car will be reliable. How was the movie?

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