I am officially a Quilting Addict and some one needs to stop me! Wait don't stop me I am having too much fun. I am new to quilting so lack the stash that others might have after years of quilting. Last week in my post
The need for a stash!! I talked about my Trip to Joann's and my million year wait at the cut table. While I did not learn from my mistake last week. I again visited Joann's on the weekend. But while you see I had this 20% off every thing coupon on my phone (android Joann's App that gives weekly coupons) and I had this 50% off coupon (paper coupon). And as it turns out they are having 40% off a lot of material. So I sort of had to go shopping. In my own defense, I did take my wife to visit my LQS (oh ya learned a cool term and had to share it) before I visited Joann's, I visited
The Material Girls Quilts they are not the closet quilting shop or even the second closest too me but hey I follow their blog had to show them some love.

This morning I saw their post about the last day of their 30% off sale and when making the to-do list for the day added them to my list.

They are close to where I work (about 2 miles I think) but they are about 20 miles from my house. The sale ended today so I just had to go today. I have never yet bought any of the Moda fabrics. But have admired them from things I found on the web. I was able to talk my wife into getting a charm pack for my daughter Rebecca and I bought 3 more black & white materials for my Man Quilts for my brother in laws and my self. My wife kept looking at the materials in the Layer Cake, but kept putting it back.I finally twisted her arm and bought that.

I have to note out of every thing I bought today that is the only item that does not belong to a current project on the Quilting List which you can read on my
Resolved to sew 2012 blog post yesterday.
I have yet to talk tell you what I bought at Joann's, but already you have seen above purples and greens and to the right my John Deere collection. As I said I have no stash. While I have one now. The purple on the upper right is for 2 pieced top lap blankets one for my Rebecca and one for the only Girl Cousin she has (keep this quiet its for her Christmas present next year). The green on the left is for a Lap blanket (rag quilt style) for my son Jared who has this fascination with green. His first trip to Joann's he had 5 bolts of green material in the cart before I knew what he was doing. Now I know how my mom felt with me as a kid in the material store.
The John Deere materials (all 4 are John Deere prints) the 3 on top will be the front and the big one behind will be the back for 2 lap blankets one for my father in law and one for a brother in law both of them live out in the country and while drive John Deere Equipment and neither quite get me and my computer's. Again a Christmas present so keep these under raps for me (good thing they both don't know what the Internet is).
So your thinking to your self. He must be done now. Nope more material below. On the left some sinfully cheap charm squares for Rebecca and some black material for the Man Quilts (the 3 others on top are a repeat from above don't know how I managed that one. Any way walked out of Joann's with a bill for just over $150, but I saved $145 not bad for a shopping trip. Those 50% off and 20% off of already 40% off items was a killer deal. I think the only thing I had to pay full price for was one of the John Deere Prints. Oh I did save 30% off at Material Girls which I have to say I will go back and visit again. Now for those of you that are not half blind (like me) you will see that their is some fine print on the bottom of the post (under the last 2 images) My wife did not not like my title and asked me to add the fine print to explain it, so good luck reading it. Wow what a day, almost $200 and I have a stash. And about 6-8 quilts worth of material. Now some one please shoot me if I go shopping next Saturday!
Wife says I need to put in the fine print some where that my CC in question was a debit card meaning that I paid for all my material with cash on hand and did not charge up the credit card. Now if you can read this fine print then you tried too hard to read it. And while nothing useful is in it so stop now! No really fine print is never meant to be read, its just their to annoy you and let you know some lawyer was involved. And who in the world wants a lawyer involved in any thing.