Monday, June 3, 2013

I am in the mood to granny!

Just as a heads up these are old picture on a new post today, but I have been thinking about Granny Squares this weekend.  Tanya and I have been thinking about what baby quilts we wanted to add to our collection.  It dawned on us that one of our favorite quilts to make were the 2 granny square quilts we made for our grandmothers.  I started on this craze a 1 year and 4 months ago and thought that it was out of my system.  Well I just want to warn every one, but they will be making a comeback in our house.

This past week was a successful one at our house I think I got 4 or maybe 5 more completed quilts in fact 4 of them are washed and laying on the desk waiting for time to go take pictures of them.  Sadly this week is going to be a busy one for us.  Tuesday is Jared's B-Day and Wednesday James graduates from high school (wow that makes me feel old thinking about it) I remember so long ago that final week of school thinking that I am free and could do any thing.  Hum would it not be fun to be that free now?

Along with Granny Squares I want to do another of my 25 block quilts.  We made that quilt for my mother and I think the next handful of baby quilts will be a mix of these 2 types.  I am a fan of 2 1/2 inch blocks and my huge collection could use some cleaning out before my box runs over of them.

These 2 quilts were the first 2 I made.  The pictures totally suck compared to more recent pictures, but the quilts were wonderful.  I loved how we had all the various colors this is what we want to work on next for baby quilts.

Of the 2 square block quilts I like the first one better.  The second one with the blocks not of the same share (5 X 7 rather then 5 X 5) felt a little over tall and not wide enough.  Any way expect to see a few more scrappy things out of us in the next few weeks.


Turid said... 1

You remind me of my own granny squares, have to find them soon. My daughter's waiting for a quilt with that pattern. And you have so many fantastic green fabrics, love them.

Deb@asimplelifequilts said... 2

I missed out on the granny square craze so thanks for reminding me that I need to give those a try! They look wonderful.

Cheryl said... 3

I am making my first granny square quilt using greens, blues, and browns. The blocks are so much fun to make and not too hard. Maybe I'll be able to post it in your Friday Finishes post in a few weeks :)

Mike Pearson said... 4

Never made one of these blocks, but they do look like fun. I love doing good old traditional stuff!

Sew Surprising said... 5

I didnt latch on to the granny square craze, but the more I look at them the more I seem to like them. Baby quilts done in lovely soft pastels would make a stunning granny square. :)

Lorna McMahon said... 6

Those are all awesomazing quilts... But I agree that the square squares does look better. Happy Birthday to Jared and Congrats to James!!!

Anonymous said... 7

I like the color control in the square one more than the random scraps in the rectangle one--the size doesn't bother me.

I don't think my scraps coordinate that well. I may have to buy fabric. :-)

Teresa Quilts said... 8

You are making me want to make a granny square quilt more and more. I love the way yours look. I just may have to try that. LOL

Anonymous said... 9

I like the granny squares, no matter what color they are.

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