Sunday, May 13, 2012

Richard's Birthday Giveaway

I am sure some think that I am celebrating the wrong thing today.  It is Mothers day today, but today is also my birthday.  My giveaway today will be for a 5-pack of Batik's.  I bought 12  5-packs from one of the vendors at the HMQS quilt show so that I would have plenty to give away.  I plan to give a 2nd 5-pack away 2 weeks from today on Tanya (my wife's) Birthday, we have birthdays exactly 2 weeks apart from each other.

I love Batik's, my wife not so much but she did let me buy 12 5-packs. 10 for me to keep (50 yummy fat quarters) to make cool quilts out of and 10 fat quarters to share with others.  You could make me a B-day present out of them, but you don't have too.

To win their is no hoops to jump though other then you have to give me a birthday wish (My wife thinks this sounds too complicated IE just wish me happy B-Day).  You could share a fun b-day story with me if you like.  You can have a 2nd entry if you follow me.  I love follower's, especially if you drop notes to me on my posts from time to time.  This will be open to enter from May 13th my b-day to May 20th when I announce the winner.  I will ship any where in the world.


And Fat Quarters to YOU!

For those curious as to what I got me for my B-Day Meaning the Batik's I got here is a picture of mine.

Oh an one last thing not to forget Happy Mother's Day to all of you wonderful mother's out there.  As for me and my kids we are getting up early and making Mother Breakfast In Bed.


Nexxxus Ramblings said...

Happy Birthday Richard today is my youngest child's birthday, he is turning 8. I am also your follower

Janet said...

Happy, happy birthday! Thanks for the giveaway.

Janet said...

I am a follower and I comment once in a while :)

Samantha said...

My birthday wish for you is that you get that Bernina that you so desire!! (I had to wait for more years than I care to say to get my first Pfaff... a Bernina is next on my list.)

Thanks for a Batik giveaway... I also am a huge Batik fan.

Samantha said...

I am also a follower! :D

Kathy S. said...

Happy birthday, Richard! My wish for you is to have all your corners and star points to match up just like you like all day and that you have plenty of time to sew.

My husband's birthday and my birthday are also two weeks apart!

Kathy S. said...

Lovely batiks! Can't wait to see what you do with them... and I will because I am also a follower.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Happy Birthday from one May baby to another! Yes, B'Day wishes for the sewing machine of your dreams.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I am a follower and I love that we get to see what you make with your bundle(s) of Batiks.

Anita said...

Happy Birthday from Norway. I am also a follower.

hueisei said...

Happy Birthday! May all your wishes come true!

hueisei said...

I'm a follower!

Melinda said...

Well, my birthday is Nov. 2, my daughter's is Nov. 5, and my hubby's is Nov. 9 so I understand the close birthdays. My sis has the same issue in December but hers is not included. The week includes her hubby's and both of her daughters b-days. Her birthday was actually yesterday! Happy birthday!

Melinda said...

I'm a follower!

Gene Black said...

Richard, may your birthday be the beginning of a wonderful year full of things that you love and enjoy. May you find something to be happy about every day. May joy fill your heart.
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y ! ! !

Gene Black said...

I am a follower of your blog.
In case I didn't mention it. Have a delightful birthday, sir!

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Eu sou seguidora.Feliz aniversário e que Deus te abençoe e te guarde.

Cheryl said...

I am a follower!

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Aniversário no dia das mães é uma felicidade extra,pois pode ser duplamente comemorado e quem ganha são os filhos,pois todo pai tem muito de Mãe,meu marido me supera em ser mãe das 3 filhas.Meu desejo para você é que tenha saúde e que você faça uma colcha de hexágonos,para sua esposa;quem sabe você a presentei no próximo dia das mães...???E claro que todos os sonhos de consumo seja realizado também.FELIZ DIA DAS MÃES PARA SUA ESPOSA!!!

Sue Daurio said...

Happy Birthday, may your sewing time be abundant this year! And here's wishing you a happy sewing machine upgrade :)

Sue Daurio said...

I'm a follower, thanks for the chance to win. What a great collection of batiks you have there. Can't wait to see what you make with them :)

JoyceLM said...

Happy Birthday, Richard. An odd birthday fact: my current husband's & my first husband's birthdays were the same day. Go figure. Thanks for the chance to win.

JoyceLM said...

I'm a follower by email. Happy birthday again.

Hilachas said...

Happy Birthday to you! Hope you have a lovely day. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.

Hilachas said...

I am already a follower. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.

Teresa Quilts said...

Happy Birthday, Richard!! Yesterday was my grandson's birthday and we went to the beach. My first time is several years. Of course, sunburn is very evident this morning. Happy Mother's Day to your sweet wife, Tonya. I am already a follower, too. I enjoy reading your adventures in the quilting world and about your children. I am about to start my own blog to document my quilting. I am about a year and a half into my quilting journey. Have a blessed day!

Tracey @ The Peony Teacup said...

Happy Birthday Richard! Sounds like it was a good day to celebrate in your house :)

Tracey @ The Peony Teacup said...

I'm a follower too :)

Charlene S said...

May you continue to create and finish something each day and may you never go to bed angry or upset.

Charlene S said...

I am a follower.

Teresa in Music City said...

Happy Birthday Richard!!! And Happy Mother's Day to Tanya!!! Aren't you supposed to be *getting* the gifts on your birthday instead of *giving* them? Not that I'm complaining of course:*) I love that blue and yellow pack of FQ's - WOW!!! You chose well!

Teresa in Music City said...

And of course I'm a follower!

Jodi - usairdoll said...

Happy Birthday Richard! Hope you have a wonderful day! Hope this coming year is filled with lots of Blessings for you and your family. Happy Mother's Day to Tanya!

Thank you for a neat giveaway and a chance to win. How wonderful that you are sharing your birthday with us and doing a giveaway. What gorgeous fabric! Looking forward to seeing what you make with the other beautiful fabrics you got.


Debbie said...

I am a follower. My birthday is 3 days after yours. My birthday wish is for you to get that new machine, create many more great quilts, and may your family always be by your side.

debbie_flutie at yahoo dot com

Maxine said...

Happy birthday, Richard. Happy Mother's Day to Tanya. I wish you joy and health.

Maxine said...

I'm a follower. Thanks for the chance to win the beautiful batiks!

Jodi - usairdoll said...

I'm a follower. Hope you and your wife have a super day ! Lots to celebrate!

Thanks again for a chance to win. Gorgeous Batiks!


Annaliese said...

Happy Happy Birthday!

wishing you a year of good health and good fortune!

Annaliese said...

i am already a follower ;)

ELNM said...

Have a very happy birthday and a year filled with much time to sew. Thanks for the Mother's Day wishes and the chance to win!

ELNM said...

I'm a follower! Happy, Happy Birthday (and many more....), and thanks for the chance to win!

Laura said...

Happy Birthday to you! Many happy returns of the day!

Joyce Carter said...

Happy Birthday,Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you!!. I hope that all your dreams come true and that you have all the best life has to offer. Never let go of your dreams. My hubby and I were born on the same day exactly 4 months apart. How cool is that? (I am also wishing your wife a very Happy Mothers Day!

Joyce Carter said...

I am a follower. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

PJ said...

Happy Birthday to you - Happy , Happy Birthday. Hope you will get the Bernina 830. I love batiks and thanks for the chance to win.

PJ said...

I'm a follower!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday from another follower, and truthfully, I've never sewn with Batiks...maybe this will be my chance! Have a great day!

Diann said...

My birthday wish for you is much fabric for many quilts.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Happy Birthday and your wife are the kindest people; that is a wonderful way to be. I wish you both all the best,everday.

Thanks for this giveaway

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

I am a follower...and I know; I spelled everyday noticed it too late to fix it..

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Happy Birthday Richard! My MIL has her birthday, Mother's day and her anniversary all in May. Feast in May, famine for most of the rest of the year. Love those batiks. I'm just starting to use them.

Ella said...

Happy birthday! (I'm a follower!)

Ella said...

My favorite birthday involved being taken for high tea by my fiance! Happy birthday (again)!

VickiT said...

Wow, lots of celebrating over at your house with a birthday and Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day to Tonya! And a very Happy Birthday to you as well.

My hubby's birthday and mine are a month apart, but in different years. He loves teasing me about how I robbed the cradle because when I have mine if you ask our age, I appear to be two years older than he is until his birthday finally rolls around. Mine is Jan '59 and his Dec '60 so it is almost two years. The thing I always thought about is the fact his birthday is that he is exactly 3 months YOUNGER than my little brother. ACK. THEN it sounds like I did rob that cradle. LOL

I hope you spoiled your wife today too. My husband has been cooking all day long for me. He told me to pick whatever I wanted to eat today and he would make it. He refuses to allow me to help or to do the dishes either. That's is REALLY hard for me to sit and not help someone, even my own husband working in MY kitchen. He made a yummy breakfast and since has been working on our supper. (I was allowed to make a strawberry trifle however although that was supposed to be later this week. I have coconut cream pies mixed halfway but the filling must sit for 24 hrs and I had forgotten that part. I was and still am VERY bummed about that as I was really looking forward to those pies. I found this recipe about 2 yrs ago and it's considerably easy and SOOOOOOOO GOOD! This recipe compares to any (and actually much better than many) I've ever had in any restaurant. I am glad the strawberry trifle ingredients were here though so at least I'll have something for dessert. I was super excited this past week when I saw Old Time Pottery had Trifle bowls on sale for only $6.99 and I've always wanted one so we got two of them so I can give my DIL one too.
But soon we'll be ready to eat. Yum.
Marinated steaks (he'll cook on the grill) with a new marinade I found that looks quite interesting.
My awesome baked beans recipe we made for our wedding and had people still talking about that when we'd bump into the 2 yrs later.
A Macaroni/tuna pasta salad
And then dessert.

I hope you all had an amazing day over at your house.

VickiT said...

Oooh I forgot that 2nd post which will be substantially shorter. (Sorry for that book in my lasts posted comment)

I am already a follower also.
Thank you for the awesome giveaway and chance. I have never used batiks yet or own any. I've heard they are wonderful to sew.

Lisa Cox said...

Happy Birthday, Richard. And tell your wife Happy Mother's Day.

You're so generous to give away items on your birthday. And batiks, at that. I love batiks!
Thank you for the chance to win.

Lisa Cox said...

Oooh, forgot to say I am a follower.

Anonymous said...

Richard, it was so nice meeting you at the HMQS show. Good luck with your quilting. You are in inspiration!

Best to you and your family,
Jessica - from Colorado

beaquilter said...

I'm a follower

beaquilter said...

Happy birthday... I will tell you what my first gift from my husband was when we were dating....(now I can't remember if it was christmas or my birthday) but anyways, he kept hinting about the gift, said it was something I could wear every day! I was thinking a necklace or a ring or some sort of jewelry, well it was a gift pack of body lotion/shampoo stuff.... UHHHHH.....

robin said...

Happiest of birthdays to you!! I love batiks - thanks for the chance to win some! :)

robin said...

I'm a follower.

Tiffany said...

Happy Birthday!!

Tiffany said...

I'm a follower ! :D

Millie and Walter said...

Happy Birthday!


Millie and Walter said...

I am a follower too.


Elizabeth said...

Happy Birthday! Batiks are an awesome birthday gift! Thanks for sharing a bit with us! Crossing my fingers.

xo -E

Elizabeth said...

P.S. I'm a follower.

xo -E

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Richard...hope your day was fantastic! This year I decided that instead of just a birthday...I'd have a Birthday-palooza and celebrate all week.

Unknown said...

I'm a follower too
shel704 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Richard - a little late in the day. You really know how to get comments on your blog. =) That's a gorgeous set of batiks. Thanks for making it possible to win!

Anonymous said...

I'm also a follower by e-mail.

dezertsuz at gmail

Michell said...

Happy Birthday :)

Michell said...

And I follow you

Gill said...

Happy Birthday Richard!
I can't wait to see what you do with all those batiks!

Gill said...

I'm a follower!

Sharon B said...

Happy Birthday to both you and early Birthday your lovely lady!

Sharon B said...

I also follow you!

Bonnie said...

Happy Birthday a little late. My youngest son was born the day before my birthday and my first granddaughter was born 5 days before her uncle. We usually celebrate together. Hope you had a wonderful day and a fantastic year to come.

Bonnie said...

I'm a follower and enjoy your blog lots.

Christine M said...

Happy Birthday Richard. I hope you had a lovely day. That is certainly a collection of batiks there!

Marcia W. said...

In order to give you full attention without Mother's Day, I declare that today, Monday is your Happy Birthday Day! Best Wishes Richard for fun and happiness with your family.

Clare said...

Belated Happy Birthday wishes. I hope you had a fun filled day.

Clare said...

I'm a follower, though I tend to lurk.

Pippa Parsons said...

my birthday is thursday, so your a taurian too... happy belated birthday

Lorraine's blog said...

Happy birthday wishes from my tiny island just near France - Jersey Channel Island

Jeane said...

Happy Belated Birthday Richard and hope you had a wonderful one. Thanks for sharing a bundle of your batiks with us and I hope I am the lucky winner.

Jeane said...

I love reading your block so much I have just become a follower.

Pat V. said...

Happy Birthday, Richard. You certainly got an awesome present. Thanks so much for being a sharing, caring kind of guy!

Cindy F said...

Hope you had a happy birthday! We celebrated my Dad's birthday today and of course Mother's Day on Sunday. It's been quite the week for us!

Thank you so much for the opportunity. I was at the quilt show but didn't get a chance to do much shopping.

Cindy F said...

I'm a follower!

Teresa Quilts said...

I'm a follower of yours already! I would love the batiks! I haven't been able to spend the money myself to get some, but I love the look so much!

Andrea said...

I'm a follower and I love Batiks!!!!

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