Tanya has 6 step brothers and sisters (her dad remarried two years ago), so we don't really know them. They are married and all have kids of their own. As part of our making every one a quilt we decided for the step siblings we would give each family a lap quilt and each kid would get pillow case. So between all of these we need a dozen or so pillowcases. So this weekend Tanya and I cut out about 2 dozen pillow cases. So far I have sewed the tops onto 11 of them and completed 5 of them. Above is the first one done (which I claimed and is on my bed).
We have been trying to figure out what to get Rebecca for Christmas. We talked about a sewing machine or a serger, but the cost of them was more then I am willing to spend on a 14 year old girl. So I bought myself a serger (after all don't you just need to serge pillow cases?) I am sure some of you are saying no its not needed. You might find this funny, but I own a serger now, but have no intent to use it. I got it so my daughter can work on her home work assignments from her sewing classes at school. So far she has made a hoodie, shorts, a quilt, and now mostly done with a dress and she is going to make a matching one for Julia. Any way it is for her, but not for her. Any way we now have the most styling pillowcase.
Here are the other 4 that are finished, we will have a few more done in the next few days.

I think that is amazing your daughter is interested in sewing and has already completed so much! Great for her!!!! My daughter is 5 and she is interested as well.. I try to encourage her as much as I can or as much as a 5 year old will allow me to.. I only hope by the time she is your daughters age she is still interested and is something that she enjoys doing.
Rebecca is doing a great job of becoming a seamstress and a quilter. Love your pillowcases!
I have an ancient serger (70's model) but I haven't a clue how to use it. Maybe Rebecca can come over and show me.
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