Tanya has been busy the last few weeks making rag quilts. She has had great success selling rag quilts on our Etsy store (and giving away about as many also). She realized though that after I gave away the last boy rag quilt that we were in need of some more. This rag quilt has random left overs of various prints we have used in the past and BOY! is it cute.
Tanya is getting much bolder on her color choices for her Rag Quilts and has started to add unique color pop to them by putting neat colors in the middle so that when ragged they just are so neat and amazing.
You can see on this one that the back is a light blue and the brown in the rag is from the middle layer.

I do like that one. I usually use batting but I need to get some colored flannel to put in the middles for extra raggy goodness.
I really like to visit your blog, because I always find different thing from what I find on other blogs. This ragged quilt is so great fun!
Great job. I love those blue squares showing up here and there.
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