On the left is my Completed top on the right is my pattern. I have made a PDF pattern for this. One of my big goals this year is to share more of my patterns. Like the last pattern I would like comments either good or bad. I will not take a critical comment bad. I want to improve my patterns and I want comments from those interested.
This pattern can be found here.
5 – 2 ½ inch squares in 33+ colors.
1 ¾ Yards for background color.
1 ½ Yards for the quilt back.
1 ½ Yards batting.
½ Yard for binding.
Begin by gathering the 33 colors for
you plus blocks. I suggest 33+ as when you are putting them together
you may not like the colors that are getting grouped together and I
would rather have some options to include or exclude a color
depending how it looks. For my quilt I choose Orange, Yellow, and
Red as my primary + blocks with Gray as my Background block. Other
ideas would be pink and Grey, purple and gray, black and whites. I
personally am a fan of orange and have more then 40+ different colors
so that was my pick.

Start by pining your 5 colors into
stacks (just to keep you from misplacing them) throw them into a
pile. Now grab 3 that you think would work next to each other and
start laying them out on your sewing table or design wall. I used
the above image as my guide for laying them out and I laid out just
the Oranges (not the gray's) first making about 4-5 rows at a time
and then sewing them together into strips. To make things go faster
I chain sewed 2 side by side blocks then the next 2 for 4 or 5 rows
worth. Then took the pairs of 2 and laid them back out again to make
sure they were still all in the correct order. Then I sewed pairs of
2 blocks etc tell I had full rows.
I then started sewing gray blocks
together in the same fashion (looking at the image as a guide) then
sewed them on each side of the rows. I then ironed each completed
row and then sewed the rows together in pairs etc. Eventually you
get done with the quilt top.
Baste and quilt as desired. My plan is
to echo quilt each seam. This will make a 36×48 inch quilt which
would work as a great baby size, smaller lap quilt or even a wall
Oh last but not least I need a good idea for a name for this quilt as Orange and Gray just wont cut it.!