The last week or so we received packages in the mail from the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway. I haven't decided if I like sending gifts more or receiving.
The first picture are items won from Ellie at http://craftsewcreate.blogspot.com/. There is a really cute pillow that would work as part of a graduation gift for James next week. I can't really be old enough to have a kid graduating from high school, can I.
The second picture is a mini quilt/table topper pattern and fabric and buttons to make it and a bobbin holder tower from Teresa at http://aquiltandaprayer.blogspot.com/2013/05/giveaway-day.html. It looks like a fun project to make.
The third picture is Christmas fabric, buttons and snowman transfer from Anita at http://sewcharminglyquilted.blogspot.com/2013/05/sms-giveaway-winners.htmls . Fitting prize for someone who lives on street named after a Christmas Flower, IE Poinsettia. Now to start thinking of project to use the fun Christmas fabric.
It is Memorial weekend and a time to reflect on those we have lost. In our family, less than a year ago my Father Lynn Jay Healey passed away. I know that this can be a sad time of remembrance, but for me it is not. My dad had a great love of Boy Scouts and to celebrate, I took my 11 year old scout patrol out and cooked breakfast at the park in the dutch oven. I learned from my father how to love life and have fun and to work hard and be honest. He is loved and not forgotten.
Also a high note, when I got up this morning and checked my Craftsy Patterns it turns out that my Pattern took a short trip on the trending board at Craftsy, the 2 times I checked I was at 17 and then 16 in the top 20. I took a picture of it (below) sadly my quilt is no longer on the top 20 board, but I enjoyed it while it was (gives you a warm feeling to have your name up in lights). If you use Craftsy please stop by my patterns and if you so desire follow me on Craftsy. I have don't know what gets you on this list, but that would have to help some I would think.
Oh wow, Its back on the list again and now at #4 Oh wait its number 3 (Not going to take another screen shot) So help me out and go visit, follow me and comment on my projects and patterns and if you desire buy a pattern.
Congrats on all your wins and your trending pattern :D
Congratulations on your wins. You received some lovely goodies!
Kudos to a very blessed week!
Winning is ALWAYS nice! I'd sure like to receive new quilting items in my mail box.
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