Sunday, February 9, 2014

Back up and Quilting!

It is funny when I thought about what I wanted to post today the 3 pictures in this post were not the original plan.  I have finally got back to a little quilting after my knee surgery (and I have new ugly pictures of the inside of my leg, that again Tanya says is not material to share on a quilting blog).  


Last year Tanya and I started making 3 new patterns for our Craftsy Pattern Store The first was our Chevron Quilt Pattern it has already be added.  Then second was a HST quilt (Richard calls this the boring quilt pattern, but don't tell Tanya she might smack him up side the head). These three today, are I think my favorite of the three. I like pinwheels, not sure why.  I also am not sure why we are struggling to get them done, as you can see they are finished up to the same point.  What we are still missing is our borders and they will be cute you will just have to wait.

Again these are sadly not what I quilted this week, but the pictures have been sitting here waiting for me to show them off.  SO TADA!  I did create the front and the back of a cute Simple Squares Quilt, but at 11 pm at night could not convince any of the kids to hold them up so I can take a picture of them.  You will have to pretend these 3 pinwheels are the quilt I worked on.  Maybe another day I will show them.  Or maybe just the finished quilt a month from now.  Any way I am doing better.  Dr tells me that I can start to exercise and I signed myself up for physical therapy, so that they can make me hurt all the wrong ways.  Any way thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.


Mary Huey said... 1

I like the pinwheels the best, too. They seem to be calling out for whimsical novelty print borders to me. I'll be interested to see what you choose.

Carol D. said... 2

Glad you are doing better after surgery. And love the pinwheels. They just look fun!

Vroomans' Quilts said... 3

Love a pinwheel quilt. Glad you are progressing with your knee - and I agree, PT makes you hurt!!!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said... 4

I love pinwheels. I've been making them today, while watching the Olympics. Glad you are getting better.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said... 5
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Gene Black said... 6

Ha ha.. I suppose Tonya didn't appreciate the picture of my eyes post-surgery.

Anonymous said... 7

Isn't that hurt all the right ways? =) Otherwise, aren't you doing it wrong? Some of us would be interested in those gross knee pictures. =) Maybe in a post by themselves, with a warning label for those who are not in that group! These are great pinwheel quilts. I've never been a fan of Fassett, and can't imagine anything that will change that, but your quilts are cute anyway.

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