Saturday, March 1, 2014

Square's and Triangle's Quilt

Tanya and I struggle to get good pictures of our quilts.  This quilt was I believe pieced by Tanya and quilted by me.  It is funny how long this quilt has been finished but not washed or taken pictures.  We have this issue with taking pictures and with weather only being so-so have not been in a rush.  Tanya wanted to post the quilt on Etsy and finally took these pictures.

If you are in the mood for it tell me which of these pictures you like the best and why.  I seem to be a decent quilter but cant take pictures to save my soul.

Sadly my favorite is this full on shot taken on the wall of my bedroom.  Though it does not show the quilt front I also like the one below.


Anonymous said... 1

The third one down is a good binding shot. I think there needs to be one shot of the whole top--I usually crop it as close to the quilt as possible. I like a photo with some drape that still shows most of the top--a little more natural a drape than your first shot. Yep, it isn't enough to make a good quilt, we have to be photographers too (or pay someone who is).

Peg said... 2

Now I like the full quilt view on your bedroom wall, if you look at it and not just glance by there are so many pattern ways that 'pop' out at you. I also like the one underneath, it shows the backing, the quilting and looks nice and soft draping. Love it. :)

Peg x

Paula@TheSassyQuilter said... 3

I like the flat one and the one on the hook...great shots. Pictures are the hardest part!

Anonymous said... 4

I always like a full-on shot, though for artsy the first two are good. I like to be able to see the entire design. I use a program called Image Tricks to straighten my photos. Photo Plus is a good one if you have PC, and there is a free version still, I think. It's been a long time since I had a PC. =)

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