I have been attempting to get more steps in walking and so today getting up early I started to walk from my house to the Jordan River Walkway and then down it to North Temple.

One of the things I see a lot of is ducks. They are always on the north end of my walk and tons of them. The few I got in the 2 pictures above is just a drop in the bucket compared to what there is along the trail.

What I do not see often is Goose (while I guess I dont know that is what they are but that is my guess and works well with the post title so I am going with that) Just above North temple I found these 4 adult Gooses (hum Geese I think is the proper term)? And a gaggle of baby Geese. Any way once I saw the Geese I had to take their picture and share it with you. And then of coarse tossed in a couple ducks for good measure.
Any way to some quilting news. I finally got the Pillar of Nature (my sons name) completed quilting a couple days ago and its bound as of last night my wife should get it in the wash today. This is from a pattern and a quilt I called Pillar of Fire as sold on Craftsy. I also sell the pattern on Etsy here.
I started this quilt back in Jan of 2014 and posted about it here. It took me clear tell Feb of 2015 to finish the top and posted about it here. But better yet here is the finished Orange version of it and its blog post. Oh and the Orange version of it is hanging on my office wall at work.
Any way my walk is over so more musing about quilting later.
Richard Healey
Pillar of Nature is coming along beautifully. It reminds me of a DNA strand. The ducks were cute - amazing how purple they look in the first photo. Were you using your smart phone to post? Wondered as you closed with your "walk was over". Thanks for sharing, Richard.
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