Sunday, February 5, 2012

Guess the Birth Date/Birth Weight Giveaway!

My wife is pregnant with our 4th child, she is due March 29. Julia Dawn (that will be her name) is what got me so stir crazy to start this quilting stuff.  My wife and I are both full into nesting mode, getting ready for the baby to come.  To have some fun and to giveaway some love, I want to offer the chance for 2 lucky people to get something handmade by me (and wife will help some too I would guess).  The exact item to win is not yet set in stone yet.  We are thinking a Lap quilt for one prize and a baby quilt for the other but that could change (maybe a runner up prize?) Who knows, any way I am creating 2 pages on my blog, one page you can guess the Birth Date (and my wife thinks we should add time to narrow out the people) and the birth weight of the baby on the other page.

I should point out that the baby on the top right is mine.  That is Rebecca Jean our first daughter, she is now 13 years old and you can see more of her on her blog  All of our kids are excited about the baby joining us in our family.  Once I get more on Julia's Blog page I will link that, but if your interested in knowing something about the family to make your guessing better you can check out Jared (7 now) website I created for his birth 7 years ago it is

Please use these 2 links to post your guesses

Remember you can comment here all you want, but to win the comments must be on the correct page.  There are 4 ways to enter each (and yes that means 4 guesses so you can widen your odds of winning).


Tiffany said... 1

How fun! I entered on both, twice, since I'm a follower! :D I will have to go through my blog and see if I posted any cool baby things. I know I made baby quilts - for my son and nephew, matching ones even!, but that was a while back!

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said... 2

well, since that is my birthday
(March 29), I'm going with what I weighed... 5lbs. 6oz. ;-)

Unknown said... 3

i wanted to stop by and thank you foot the nice comment about my bench! your giveaway is so fun! glad to give my guesses!


Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said... 4

Congrats! How wonderful to find a man that likes to quilt. I only know of a couple. Your first child was a real doll. Hopping over to take a guess. Thanks so much for your visit to my blog.

Rebecca said... 5

All the best with the end of your wife's pregnancy and for a safe and easy delivery!

LesQuilts said... 6

Hi Rickard!
Your quilting skills are coming along nicely!
I'm not a person who tries to sell people something, in fact, I try to get Freebies when I can. I do alot of donation quilts (I have a huge stash, lots of creativity and 2 grown men children!)
On my blog, I have a lots of quilting books, cheap, you might find helpful to build your skills, if you are interested.
How about if you have a look on the Moda or other fabric manufactures for ideas to use the jelly roll!
Keep Quilting!
I became a follower!
Take care, Leslie

Jenny Lynn said... 7

A new baby is so sweet. Congratulations! The month of March is a great Month. My brother's birthday is the 26th. Best Wishes.

Myra @ Busy Hands Quilts said... 8

I'm guessing your daughter has been born, and I'm too late? ☻ ☻ How fun to have a baby in the house again!


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