Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Pinwheel Fail and some Ducks

This is Tanya's Pinwheel fail.  My wife is loving designing quilts but still will not sew.  So we have worked out a deal If I do her projects she will Iron them and put them into piles so that I can sew them up for her.  We are making a Pinwheel quilt for her and she had a huge pile of pieces.  I first sewed the HST then had her iron then I sewed the top 2 and bottom 2 together. and she ironed again.  She helping me pinned the top and bottom half together so that they would not get mixed up.  I thinking she pinned them so that they would be where they needed to be sewed them all together I ended up with 8 broken pinwheels above and 12 correct pinwheels.  After all the hard work of making them for her quilt we had a fail.

Not to be beat my wife decided we would turn it into a quilt for the young women's auction to earn money to go to girls camp this year.  Its next Saturday (the day before my birthday, hum maybe I need to have a giveaway or something to celebrate, wait distracted) And originally we were going to give the 2 not so loved quilts left over from Julia's Birthday giveaway.  But she wants to impress the others in the ward (church) to show that her man can quilt.  So we are giving a Monster Quilt (in the wash will be done for a finish Monday) and this Quilt which I need to finish before wed (HMQS show that I have 2 class at Thursday and Friday and don't want to put it off tell last moment)

Went to the post office yesterday and found these in line for the mail drop boxes

By the time they finally made it though the lane they had a row of 4 cars backed up waiting on them.  The mother duck tried to jump the wall in the first picture but the little baby's just could not jump high enough to get up to the grass.

But it was nice to see that all waited for them to pass.  They are cute if you look close you can see she has 12 baby's I love ducks.

This last weekend was Scout A Rama and my 2 middle kids decided they wanted to be Crash Test Dummy's and I could not resist taking a picture of it.  My son Jared wanted to do it again.  Just as long as he does not ever do it in real life in my car I am good with it.


Carla said... 1

Morning Richard. If the quilt can cuddle someone, it's not a fail : ) Seeing your the techy guy, would you consider a little tutorial for adding a button? I can get the text up but no pic. Just a thought. thanks.

Quiltn Mama said... 2

I fail to see a 'fail'. It's still cute whether it's what you intended or not!

Cherie said... 3

The quilt looks great! hourglasses instead of pinwheels still works well!
Awww such cute ducks! Wow crash test dummies that must have been fun! =D

VickiT said... 4

Pinwheel fail? Who cares? That's a great looking quilt. Heck, I'd be thrilled to have that given to me. I like it and am sure many others would also.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said... 5

Great quilt. Isn't it fun when we make something 'wrong' and it still turns out cute?

Susan said... 6

I love the quilt, especially the border that you added, really makes it wonderful! Hope it earns a lot for girls camp! Thank you so much for sharing the duck pictures. That reminds me so much of the children's book, Make Way for Ducklings. What great pics you got! And of the crash test dummies, too. Love scouting!

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