Saturday, July 21, 2012

Another guild meeting.

I have joined the Salt Lake Modern Quilt Guild and I went Thursday night to my 2nd meeting  I am still pretty nervous to go, as every one other then me is female (yes women can be scary). I took my blue and yellow batik and showed it off along with my soldier's star and my not yet completed gray batik.  But that is not what I want to talk about.  The first meeting I went too there was a lady that was also new and she shared a quilt that she was working on that was built in sections (and quilted in sections) and then completed by sewing those sections together.  It generated a lot of questions from others (and me also as a queen size quilt could be difficult to sew on a small machine.  She brought the completed quilt and showed it off (it was a wonderful quilt with chickens on it) for her son, but she also brought a sample of how to do the quilt.  Above is one half of the sample and below is the back.

Its not a great picture but you can see that flap (the green cloth in middle), you put the 2 parts of the quilt together and sew on the strip above then on the bottom sew one half and the put flap over and sew it down.  I tried finding the name of this technique on the web, but could not find something like it.  Any way I am looking for more info on this, if any one has some links they could share let me know.

Also the last 3 days (Thursday and Friday and over night/Saturday morning) I spent at Camp Tracy with my 11 year old scouts.  So here is a rare picture of me doing my scouting at camp.  100 pictures taken and only 2 of me sadly oh well.


Vroomans' Quilts said...

Ah Scouting - a leader for 20 yrs. and I miss camp. The technique is called Quilt As Your Go and there are various methods - You Tube has several good videos.

Mary said...

It looks like the Cotton Theory method of QAYG.

I was a den mother for a couple of years. I was also in GS myself for probably 7 or 8 years. My sister just went to DC for the GS 100th birthday and Rock the Mall. Great thing you are doing being involved!

Gene Black said...

I felt so outnumbered at the few guild meetings I attended. Also it seemed like I was on a different page from the other people there.

There are a lot of methods of Quilt as you go. I recommend one of the books by Marguerita McManus: either
Finish (almost) Any Quilt: A Simple Guide to Adapting Quilts to Finish As You Go OR Quilt As You Go Reimagined: Clean. Simple. Modern.

Teresa Quilts said...

I was going to tell you that it was quilt as you go, but I see three others have told you as well. So there you have it. I was also going to mention the name that Gene told you about. I am going to try one of her quilts soon. On my Janome I have many decorative stitches that I can use to really dress one up. I get excited thinking about it.

Cindy F said...

Looks like everyone else jumped in with the quilt as you go method. I keep contemplating attending the modern quilt guild. My plate is pretty full right now but I will keep it in mind.

Anonymous said...

Love the scouting picture. Thank you for spending time helping train young men to be honorable and upright citizens! And to know how to survive their own cooking. =)

mumasu said...

Hey Richard, as you know my eldest has Aspergers and as a result of this spent 3 years being homeschooled in his mid-teens. Scouts was his saving grace. Every week, the kids weere his "social" fix and the leaders gave him - I don't know how to say it, space and a chance to be himself and just a bit of ... I don't know. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and a whole nother country for being a scout leader.

Jenny Wren said...

Hi Richard,
I'm that lady with the chicken quilt! :-)
I used Leah Day's tutorial to achieve the "quilt as you go" finish on the quilt - I have just tried to cut and past the link but my phone does not want to play that game right now. So perhaps google "Leah Day quilt as you go" when I did, her tutorial came up first.
Sorry we ladies don't intend on being scary but can imagine it being intimidating attending the guild meetings. We are all there because we quilt - not because of our gender. I'm glad you come along and am happy to answer any questions you may have.
Jenny C

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