Sunday, September 2, 2012

A fire and a new quilt top

Last night I got to do what I don't do often enough and that was I went camping.  Our ward (church group)  had a camp out up East Canyon and it was a lot of fun (between the rain storms). What I enjoy more then anything is to sit by the fire and eat food prepared in a dutch oven.

For my contribution to the meal I made some potatoes,  they went over well.  I used my 14 deep dutch oven (that is a big pot) and I was worried at first, as only a few ventured over to try them, but within a few minutes there was nothing left in the pot.

When I got back from camping today, I decided that I have not made enough simple quilts and I cut up 4 different colors groups of fabric.  Over the holiday weekend my plan is to make 3-4 baby quilts to put on my etsy store.  This above is a simple top consisting of 7 inch by 3 1/2 inch blocks sewed into rows.  Tanya was nice and has this quilt basted and ready for me to quilt.

I also got my block from my Australia block swap on Friday,  it is some pretty flying geese.

One last thing, my quilt is being voted on over at Quilting Gallery's weekly contest. The last I checked, I had only 9 votes and I am sadly never going to win.  Well unless all of you who see this post vote and get their friends to vote, please don't let me come in last.  Vote here  My quilt is my Dresden flower's and snake.


Gene Black said...

I tried to vote for you. I don't know if it is "taking" or not though. it still shows "loading"

Mary said...

I voted for you and last I checked you had 14 votes. You are beating me. I have 11 votes. I just love Twirl. Your setting for it is great.

Cherie said...

Simple quilts are the best! So quick and easy to put together. I'm popping over to vote now =D said...

The potatoes look very yummy and the quilt is very cute. That almost perwinkle blue goes really well with the peachy orange color. So soft and sweet. cheers,CW

Anonymous said...

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