For this giveaway I am giving away one of my $40 or less quilts. Tanya and I have been busy over the last year and have a Etsy Store with 20+ quilts in it. Pictured above are examples, 10 of the 20+ are quilts that are for sell are $40 dollars or less. The winner of this giveaway can pick one of the 10 quilts and have it shipped to them for free. This is open to all, no matter where in the world you might live. If you prefer one of the quilts over $40, you can use the $40 towards the price and still get free shipping.
To enter you just need to visit my Etsy Store and pick a quilt that you love and tell me why you love it? (Basically I want to know what kinds of quilts people like and why so I can make more of them), it does not need to be the quilt you would get if you win.
For a 2nd entry you can like my Etsy Store or one of the quilts in it.
If you like our quilts, please share with your friends and or follow our blog. None of these are required to win. Good luck all.
To Recap to enter
1) Pick a quilt you like in my Etsy Store and tell me why you like it.
2) Bonus entry like a quilt or my Etsy Store. (Leave a separate comment for each)
This closes December 7th. We will draw a name and notify winner. Please leave a way to get in touch with you, if you are a no reply blogger.
Winner has been Picked and Kelli will be emailed shortly. Thank you to all who participated.
You have so many nice quilts in your shop! I like the Turquoise and Rosebud Baby Girl Rag Quilt because my favorite color is turquoise.
I love the Modern Bright Bee Patchwork Quilt, because of the bright color combination. Would match my bedroom perfectly!
I love love love http://www.etsy.com/listing/114169041/baby-girl-rag-quilt-with-owl-dots-and
I think it's because I have a big thing for owls and minky fabric :P
Thanks for the chance!
mjp0419 at gmail dot com
I favorited your Etsy store, plus my favorite quilt.
mjp0419 at gmail dot com
I like your patchwork quilt out of Twirl fabric. Just my style!
I love the Modern Bee Patchwork quilt...we just had our first grandbaby a few months ago...this would be perfect!
Thanks for a fun giveaway!
Also added your etsy shop to my favorites!
Thanks again for a chance to win!
Very nice quilts. I like the ragtime cupcake quilt.
I added your esty shop to my favorites.
The Red and White Birds and Bugs is so cute, the colours are bright and fun. :)
I have your shop in my Favs!
I am a stalker when it comes to your shop. My favorite right now is the Turquoise and Rosebud baby girl quilt, turquoise is my favorite color .
I am a longtime follower and also liked your Etsy shop. Also sharing on FB to help spread the work on your shop.
I like the bright and happy Monster quilt because it is so bright and happy!
Love the Turquoise and Rosebud Baby Girl Rag Quilt!!
I also favorited your shop and the quilt =)
Oh, I love the Patchwork Quilt out of Twirl Fabric so pretty!
I also hearted the Patchwork Quilt out of Twirl Fabric
I love the modern bee quilt, I like the bright popping colors!
Wildbluestarz at aol dot com
Thanks for the opportunity on a great draw. I totally Love the Dresden snake (een though i HATE snakes.).
I really like the blue and yellow batik lap quilt. Thanks for the giveaway!
I've also liked your etsy shop!
love the Modern Bee Patchwork Quilt with Yellow Flannel - because its neutral and i sometimes want something for me.
I love that monster quilt and would be so happy to win it!
Bright Happy Monster/Alien Rag Quilt 33x33 inches
My email is kudra1978 at aol dot com.
The Baby Boy Brick Lizard Quilt is so cute. My son would love it :)
I've liked your etsy store on facebook and favorited the monster quilt!
My email is kudra1978 at aol dot com.
I "liked" the quilt on Etsy :)
I don't have a baby right now, but I really like the Bright Bee crib quilt. The colors and neatness are great and I like the minky backing since it's soft for a baby.
Your scrappy patchwork quilt out of Twirl with a minky back is really beautiful. I especially love the binding you chose. It really completes it and brings all those bright colors together.
I like the Yellow and Blue ducks quilt.....nice
I love the flower patchwork and the modern bee. But I would love to see some of the big ones done like the baby rag ones. I think the flower patchwork would love really good like that.
I liked your shop as well as the orange and yellow quilt. I love the colors in it.
I like the sucky rag quilt. Mainly because I like to make my sewing neat and tidy, but I think my girls would like the softness of this.
I liked your store... I am lazyday
I like the pink cupcake quilt the best.
I "liked" your shop on etsy. I just recently (1 month ago) started an etsy shop of my own. I would love it if you could (if you have time) visit my shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/MeadowMistDesigns
I love the star lap quilt because I love large stars!
I like this one because it's so bright:
I feel a little guilty entering this since I just won a prize from you. (and I got it in the mail Saturday)
I like the Turquoise and Rosebud Baby Girl Rag Quilt --but I dont' see it as limited to a baby girl. I love the solid with polka dot mix. Plus the color is right at the top of my favorites.
I love the dresden Snake quilt because I like the pattern very much and the colours are perfect for my living room!
I added the dresden snake patchwork quilt to my favourite items on etsy. Thank youfor the giveaway!
This is my favorite because my son would love it!
i hearted your shop too! Shana Putnam
Hi Richard! My favorite quilt is the Modern Bee Patchwork Quilt with Yellow Flannel Back...why you ask? Just look at the name Modern Bee and I'm suebee!!!!LOL
I "hearted" your shop!
I really like Modern Bright Bee Patchwork Quilt 35 X 38 Inches with Black Minky Back - It really pops for me and my daughter was on my lap when we were looking and her eyes were drawn to it too. The colors make it awesome I think for babies.. What lovely quilts, I also really love the rag quilt look, too!
I love the Modern Bee Patchwork quilt. Thanks so much!!
I like the flower patchwork brick quilt and better than the boy brick quilt. It seems less busy. I like the twirl triangle quilt because of the modern look of it.
Patchwork quilt out of twirl fabric
I like the color scheme in Bright Happy Monster/Alien Rag Quilt.
Added the monster quilt to my favorites.
I like your raggedy edge quilts and the modern girl one caught my eye in particular! :)
My favourite is the Bright Orange and Yellow Patchwork Lap Quilt because I really like all Indiam Summer like colours :) and it's beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win!
I really like the girly owl raggy quilt, but I LOVE the dresden quilt. But I have a major dresden problem, AND I love Sweetwater fabrics :). Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
I already have your Etsy store favorited.
I love the Bright, Happy Monster/Alien quilt.
I love your rag quilts. And the colors you choose look so well together.
My favorite quilt is this one: http://www.etsy.com/listing/109021822/patchwork-quilt-out-of-twirl-fabric-with
I love the colors and how it is modern and classic, all at once!
abigail [dot} lee {at] gmail {dot] com
I love the patchwork quilt in twirl! I love the colors on the white background.
I love the baby boy brick quilt. I like the colors and simple lines. And I just like to get things for my little boy. :)
peachstateme (at) hotmail (dot) com
My favorite quilt is the owl rag quilt, because I like the fabrics the most. I think those would be good in a larger size (throw) quilt also. :)
I like your etsy shop. <3
I love cupcakes so I love the cupcake quilt! really cute! I am a quilter and hope to one day be good enough to feel confident to sell mine!
quiltingnanny at yahoo dot com
You have lots of lovely quilts! I like the modern bee patchwork best!
There are two in your store that I really like, first the Flower Patchwork Quilt because the colors are beautiful and I would use it a lot (I have a young toddler). The second is the Bright Orange and Yellow Patchwork quilt because it reminds me of summer picnics. Since it's a lap quilt it may be too small for a picnic blanket, but I think a picnic blanket in this quilt would be wonderful. Thanks for the giveaway!
I liked two items in your Etsy shop. Beautiful quilts! Thanks!
I really love the Baby Girl Flower Patchwork Quilt because of the soft pastel colors.
carolinebock1 at yahoo dot com
Patchwork Quilt out of Twirl Fabric with Pink Minky Back
LOVE this one. The triangles, colors and minky back!
Added to my favorites on Etsy.
I like Modern Bee Patchwork Quilt with Yellow Flannel Back 34 X 38 inches because of the colors and the flannel back. Thanks for the generous giveaway!
The quilt that immediately caught my eye is Turquoise and Orange Penguin and Snowflake Baby Rag Quilt. I think my kiddos would love it too. I love the colours and of course the penguins!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I adore the modern bee patchwork quilt in your shop. Thanks for the giveaway.
I favourited your etsy store(it's lovely).
Love the Flower Patchwork Crib Quilt!Is definately my favorite! Bright & Happy! :) I also think the Puppy Brown & Gray Raggedy Quilt is cool tho too. You do nice work..they are ALL great...was hard to pick a fovrite for sure!
Thanks for chance to win the quilt too! :)
So many gorgeous quilts! The colours of the Civil War era wall hanging really caught my eye. So did the fabric of the boy lizard brick quilt - so great for a little boy!
I love the one made of Twirl fabrics. I love colourful quilts and I am not big on raggedy quilts.
That Dresden Sweetwater is a stunner and I like/favorited it on Etsy.
I also like the star lap quilt and the girls owl/dot/minky one.
I like the puppy dog gray brown one. I think you posted it in the past on your blog. It would find a furry mate in my house :)
I already favorited your store in the past. I favorited the quilt I like too. :)
How generous! I love the modern bee patchwork quilt - the colors and design are clean and go with so many different home designs!
This is so generous of you.Cupcake Baby Girl is my fav,I love cupcakes,love rugs look,so girly and cute and I could share it with my daughter =o).lovely giveaway,thanks for the chance to win it.
I love the lap star quilt. I love the big blocks. Thanks Vivian
I found it hard to choose a favourite as you have a nice selection for all occasions. I like the modern bee quilt as the solid fabrics with a couple of prints looks really modern. Your girly quilts make me wish I had a little girl, and I love the boy prints you use. You even have a couple of traditional colour/style quilts, and i love HST, so you have most bases covered,
Modern Bee Patchwork Quilt ~ Love the colors.
Red and White Birds and Bugs got my favorite click.
I like Red and White Birds and Bugs because of the bright colors! And, it's gender neutral so I could gift it to the next lucky baby that comes along. thanks for the chance at it!
this one is my favorite!
I love the bright yellow and orange lap quilt because I love the colors. eatkin85(at)yahoo(dot)com
The one with penguins!!!! So cute.
kelly72lynn at yahoo
I Favorited the Turquoise and Rosebud baby quilt on Etsy...adorable!
The Modern Bee Patchwork quilt is stunning...I love the color palette!
I adore the Turquoise and Rosebud Baby Girl Rag quilt! I love rag quilts to being with, and I love the color and fabrics on this one in particular. Thank you for the very generous giveaway, you make beautiful things and I happy to have found you!
I have favorited your Etsy store as well as several of my favorite quilts within it! Thank you for the additional entry!
I like the yellow and blue ducks quilt because I like that color combination.
I love "Patchwork Quilt out of Twirl Fabric with Pink Minky Back" because of the lovely pastels and the Minky back. Minky is so wonderful! And the colors make it a perfect gift for a new baby.
i love all the rag quilts that you have in your shop
I liked the rosebud and the modern girl rag quilts. Thanks for the generous giveaway!
Modern Bee Patchwork Quilt with Yellow Flannel Back
I love the colors and the simplicity of it!
I love the Red and White Birds and Bugs Rag Quilt. So cute! Thanks for the opportunity!
I LOVE the turquoise and Orange penguin one!
I liked your etsy shop. you have beautiful quilts.
I like the Flower Patchwork (Moda's Twirl)! I love the bricks and the gorgeous colors.
I marked that quilt as an Etsy favorite! http://www.etsy.com/listing/110869054/flower-patchwork-crib-quilt-out-of-twirl
I like the blue and yellow batik quilt. Not sure I would pick those colors but I love the design.
The Flower Patchwork Quilt out of Amelia Fabric is gorgeous! Thanks for the giveaway!
I have added your etsy store to my favourites
Modern Bee Patchwork Quilt with Yellow Flannel Back 34 X 38 inches
I like it the best because I like the fabrics you picked for it.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Hi! My favorite quilt in your shop is the Teddy Bear quilt - I am drawn to the contrast of colors and random placement of the fabrics. Plus it looks super cozy and could easily become a favorite quilt here!
I've favorited my favorite quilt!! :)
(The Teddy Bear rag quilt!)
I'm Mia Francesca on Etsy. thanks for the chance!
I like your Etsy Store
I love the Bright Happy Monster/Alien Rag Quilt. I am sure my one year old son will love it :D
I like the bright colors of this quilt: http://www.etsy.com/listing/109021822/patchwork-quilt-out-of-twirl-fabric-with
pinkscissorsdesign @gmail .com
I have added your shop to my favorites, very cute stuff
I love the turquoise penguin quilt, my daughter would go crazy for the peace sign one
Since I can use a baby gift very soon, I"d pick your lizard baby boy quilt...adorable. =) Thank you for a chance to win.
I added that quilt and your shop to my favs. They are private, but you're there this morning. =) thanks again!
I really love the modern bee patchwork quilt! It's got great colors and a bit of whimsy to it, too! Very fun! jinglesells at gmail dot com
Gorgeous quilts in your shop!! I love the Modern Baby Girl Rag Quilt out of Twirl! Probably because I always for modern and bright for my kids, and it looks so soft and cozy. Thanks for the giveaway chance!
I faved that quilt in your Etsy shop too!
I love the Twirl patchwork triangle quilt :)
I love your Modern Bee Patchwork for is simple beauty! Thanks for the giveaway! Amy @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net
I like the Dresden Snake Patchwork because it is simple, different, and I like the colors.
jjjcwebb at hotmail dot com
I liked your Dresden Snake quilt
jjjcwebb at hotmail dot com
I like the Modern Bee Patchwork Quilt with Yellow Flannel Back because I love yellow. Thanks for the chance!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
I liked your Baby Boy Brick Lizard Quilt
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
My favorite is the Modern Bright Bee Patchwork Quilt 35 X 38 Inches with Black Minky Back, I find it fabulous that it has a theme, the colors are consistent with it and the bits of bees fabric pop out so deliciously!
A gorgeous piece!
I liked your shop on FB (Despina Vnt) and added you in my ETSY favorites (DESPINA VNT)
I adore the Modern Bright Bee Patchwork Quilt, great design, fantastic arrangement and beautiful work!
Joanna-Gloria, yana_ven@yahoo.gr
I like the Turquoise and Orange Penguin and Snowflake Baby Rag Quilt! I'm a huge orange fan and the penguins are adorable.
My favorite is: Patchwork Quilt out of Twirl Fabric with Pink Minky Back, I really like those colors and it's relaxing while still fun. My second favorite is Bright Orange and Yellow Patchwork Lap Quilt but definitely not for sleeping, too bright :)
I favorited the quilt i liked :)
I like Bright Happy Monster/Alien. The colors look great together and the monster print is adorable!
I love the modern bee patchwork!
Hello Richard and Tanya! How's your little girly?
My favoutirte quilt in your shop is the orange and yellow one and the Boy's Lizard Brick quilt.
I've been liking your orange and yellow quilt for quilt a while... it's in my favs list!
thanks for sharing!
I like the Flower Patchwork quilt...it would be perfect for my niece's new baby girl! Thanks for the chance to win!
I love the bright orange and yellow lap quilt. I think those colors will only get prettier with age as they fade a little. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the bright colored triangle quilt. I'm a big fan of bright colors with patterns that don't seem age specific. I also like that as bright as it is, it's not too busy. :)
I love the Modern Bee Patchwork Quilt with Yellow Flannel Back, I always liked the combination of yellow and blue and this is so cheerful. It'd really brighten up a room :)
kate1485 at hotmail dot com
I love your floral patchwork crib quilts. They are beautiful and my favorite. However if I win this I will pick one of the baby boy quilts for my grandson. :-)
I made Your Modern Bee quilt a favorite and starred Your shop too. I appreciate That a sweet baby quilt could be purchased for forty dollars. I prefer the patchwork over the rag style even though I know this rag quilts are super soft.
My 2 favorites are the Flower Patchwork crib quilt - it's so colorful and fun! - and the cupcake rag quilt. I love cupcakes and even have a baking business, so I can't resist choosing that one. :)
I love the bright triangle quilt.
I favorited that bright triangle quilt. Love it!
Lots of lovely quilts. I like the baby boy lizard quilt, and he penguin rag quilt.
I added your store to my favorites!
I love the patchwork quilt out of twirl fabric with the minky back. What child wouldn't love the minky back, plus the front is bright and beautiful. I love brights as you might have noticed on my blog. ;) Thanks for the generous giveaway!
I have added your shop to my favorites on etsy.
I like puppy dog gray and brown. I like it because it is cute and would make a great baby quilt.
Shuttermom77 at gmail dot com
I favorited your shop and the quilt I mentioned above.
Shuttermom77 at gmail dot com
Sorry... don't know if you need it but saolmsted on Etsy.
I like the Bright Orange and Yellow Patchwork Lap Quilt!
I like all the baby girl quilts, especially the cupcake one! rlshear at hotmail dot com
definitely the peace sign quilt! Love that one :)
xoxo melzie4boyz@aol.com
There are two I really like. the Flower Patchwork Quilt and the Modern Bee Patchwork. I really like the Civil War Era Wall hanging too. Oh wait, thats three! If I had to choose I would probably go with the Flower one!
I liked your Etsy store!
I think all of your quilts are great but, I love, love, love the Red Birds and Bugs Rag Quilt! I spotted snails and that was all it took! I just love snail items :) Thanks for a chance to win this adorable quilt! Merry Christmas :)
I added you as a favorite on Etsy :)
Usually I'm not a fan of anything that says "modern", but I love the Modern Bee Patchwork Quilt. The colors are so bright and fun. It just looks like something my family would all enjoy
I love the puppy quilt because it's adorable. :) your quilts are gorgeous!
Flower Patchwork Quilt would be great for my niece!
I love the Patchwork Quilt made of twirl fabric! Lovely. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love the yellow and blue ducks because it can be given to a momma who doesn't know the sex of the baby.
I favorited your etsy shop.
I like the modern bee quilt - would match my kids room perfectly
I love the patchwork quilt it is lovely. I also like dreisden snake. I have always been drawn to quilts with lots of white.
Enjoyed my visit to your Etsy shop. I like the red and white birds.
I like lots of your quilts but I think some of the bright colored ones are my favorites- I especially like the monster and alien quilt and the peace one.
Thanks for participating in the blog hop. Your winner will love receiving one of your lovely quilts.
Regards from Western Canada,
I also am following your blog and your facebook page.
Regards from Western Canada,
I liked your etsy store on FB
they are all wonderful quilts.
I really like the Flower Patchwork Quilt made out of Amelia Fabric.
I like the traditonal quilting and the fabric choices
I just love the "Flower Patchwork Crib Quilt out of Twirl line by Moda 37 X 43 inches" It is so bright and beautiful!!! Now if it were only $40 so I could have a chance to win it ;)
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