Today's post is brought to you by Tanya.
I finally finished this purple rag quilt I started several months ago. I may have got a little too creative though. I tried various stitches on each of the appliqued hearts, basically I quilted the hearts. One more of my own UFOs done. Now the combined list of both Richard and I has a long way to go.
2 Amelia Quilts and Lizard Quilt |
Pink Quilt, not basted |
The baby quilt tops we worked on over Labor day weekend are almost done. With the exception of the pink one that I haven't even basted yet. They have been quilted and are in the process of being bound. We did a wide variety on backs, some are minky, one is flannel and two are cotton prints.
My favorite "Bee Quilt #1" |
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Twirl Brick Quilt |
Richard was working on binding my favorite quilt when I went home for dinner, "Bee Quilt #1". The two baby quilts out of the Amelia line by Me & My Sister for Moda are finished, but pictures are not taken yet. Richard said he was planning on finishing the two "Bee Quilts" before going to bed (They are done now). That leaves two quilts waiting to be bound, one more out of Twirl line and the lizard quilt. I am usually pretty good at picking fabrics to go together, but neither Richard or I like this Lizard quilt as much as the first one he made. It is cute, but we liked the brighter colors of the first one. One of us, probably him will be posting about each finish individually in the next few days. Notice any trends?
"Bee Quilt #2 |

We bought more of the Batik fabric for the back of his twin sized quilt over the weekend, now to have some time together to decide how we are going to piece it together. I guess that is what weekends are for.

I receive a couple packages in the mail for items I won on the last blog hop. The first package was from Kim at
Lily Patch Quilts. Four pink FQ's. It will be fun to work them into various projects.

I also received these patterns from Loris at
Luckypup Quilter. I love appliques and think the Teddy Bear one will be a fun one to use up some of our larger scraps on.
Great job, Tanya! You and Richard are able to do so much quilting plus take care of four children and work! I don't see how in the world you get so much done. Congrats on all you do.
They are wonderful. You two sound like you are turning into a quilt factory! When are you buying a longarm? =)
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