Well then I am brought down to the sewing room and she shows me a rag quilt that is finished being sewn (I will not tell you what it is so she can show it off when done). She then shows me this stack.
The purple (and light purple thing on the right) is a folded up quilt top. This is her sampler quilt that she did as part of the Beginner Quilt along over at quilting gallery. She has sorta taken over where I failed on this. Meaning that she is now going to finish her sampler top along with the 2 I was going to do, before I got distracted (I never do that). Any way this stack includes the center of the quilt and my Job if I so agree (or even disagree whats it to her) is to sew the white strips on as a border. After those are sewn on I am to sew the purple leaf things on as a second border so her top is done. (She completed the 3 x 4 block center last night they are 12 1/2 inch squares) Then of course she hands me another pile.
These are some applique blocks that she has been working on for yet another quilt she is doing. She tells me that I need to sew around the applique's as they are frustrating her. Then of course she points at yet another item.
This quilt is one that I started quilting last night (she finished basting it last night) she threw me the material for the binding, and told me to finish quilting it and bind it. So now the question is can I get all of the projects done that I have been tasked with? Or will I just get distracted with my http://trackmyshows.com/ website that I made quite a few changes on this last week. (I added ability to log in with Facebook and also to have the application write back to Facebook about your activity on site). I know to all you quilters out their it sounds boring to program, but hey I have to do something to slow me down a little other wise my house is going to be floor to ceiling quilts.
Now as to the title of my post. How Tanya and I make a great team. I love to quilt and she likes to design and pick colors. I hate to baste quilts and she is willing too. I work on things that frustrates her and she works on the things that frustrates me. So the magic of Richard and Tanya quilts is that Tanya and I make a great team (Or if you have been reading the message hidden in the post) Tanya is a slave driver.
HAHA Just kidding good thing she is at work and won't be home for hours to smack me.
One last thing before we leave I want to announce the winner of our Link A Finish Friday for September.
Another thing my wife does well is she picks winners. Then she makes me inform the winners. So today I was happy to let Amanda from http://fabricengineer.blogspot.com/ know that she won and got to pick 1 yard of fabric from Fat Quarter Shop. And below is what she picked Congrats. And I look forward to next month giving away another yard of fabric.

Wait I have I guess 2 last things. This weekend is the start of Sewing Summit which is happening here in Salt Lake City, UT (just a few miles in fact from where I live). If you are going to be in Salt Lake City for it or even not they are having a get together Friday Night sponsored by the SLMQG I will be at this get together and I will sadly probably be sitting alone, as I am the Token Guy at a all girls thing. Any way come kick me in the leg or something and tell me hello! It will be at
Gracie's at 326 South West Temple from 8pm Friday night to 1 am Saturday Morning Hope to see you there.
Congrats to the winner - great fabric pick! Thank you for hosting. Enjoy Summit
I love the way you and Tanya work together. You remind me of all the things I'm missing now that Paul is gone. =)
Congrats to Amanda!
I feel so sorry for you, being the token guy. ; ) That's a lot of stuff for you to get done. Hope you got a good start, at least.
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