Wednesday, July 31, 2013

6 Fat Quarters Fabric Giveaway

It has been far too long since I have had a giveaway and so today to celebrate a great and fun and active summer I would like to give away 6 Fat Quarters from the line Secret Garden a Michael Miller fabric line.  Tanya and I have been busy this last month.  In addition to the quilts and patterns we want to do personally we have had 2 quilts that have been made (one made and one in process) for customers on Etsy.  And to add a crazy twist to our life my oldest son James just got a job away from home.  He is on a construction crew in a small town 4 hours drive from home.  So to celebrate the joy of success in making quilts and the sadness (or happiness) of our oldest leaving home for the first time. We are giving away this pile of fabric to 1 lucky winner.

Contest will be open for 7 days closing midnight of the August 6th (or as soon after as I think to turn the comments off on this post).  Now how to enter.  All Entry options are optional enter as many or as few ways as you desire.  Leave a separate comment for each.

1) Leave one comment stating something Happy or Sad going on in your life it can be short or long.
2) Follow us.  This can be Email, GFC, Feedly or any other (if I am missing one you like let me know and I can add that follow choice to my side bar)
3) Share this giveaway so others can enter.  (Facebook, Twitter, Pin this giveaway on Pinterest, Tell your next door neighbor)
4) Follow me on Craftsy
5) Follow Richard and Tanya Quilts on Facebook
6) Comment on one of my Craftsy Projects or Quilt Patterns and as a bonus I will give you a free pattern of your choice from my Craftsy Patterns.


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JustPam said...

Great giveaway-thanks. My daughter is having a baby in a few weeks! So exciting. It is my 9th grandchild.

JustPam said...

I am a follower of yours-a couple of different ways. I saw the giveaway on FB.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

These are just lovely and thank you for hosting.

JustPam said...

I tweeted.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I still like following with GFC.

JustPam said...

I follow you via FB and email.

Margaret said...

Great giveaway. Following on bloglovin

JustPam said...

OMG-I haven't been on craftsy for a while. Your cars quilt is absolutely adorable. I love the fabrics, the orange and the circles. Fabulous!

Margaret said...

At this time in my life it is sad. My husband was dx with terminal cancer at stage 3. I spend a lot of time with him .

Kim said...

A little happy and sad.....we had to put our sweet Peachie to sleep due to cancer and my husband and I celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary.

Kim said...

I follow on Craftsy.

Kim said...

I follow on FB.

Margaret said...

I tweeted;

Kim said...

I shared on FB.

Margaret said...

I follow you on Craftsy Love that site

Margaret said...

I follow on facebook

Margaret said...

I commented on a pattern in craftsy

Tiffany said...

Happy and Sad- my son starts preK in the fall!!! Ah!!!

Tiffany said...

Follow with bloglovin

Tiffany said...

Follow on Facebook

Tanyia said...

My middle child is starting high school and my eldest is starting college....hold me!

Tanyia said...

I follow via GFC

Tiffany said...

Following on Craftsy

Tanyia said...

posted on FB here

Tanyia said...

I am pretty new to Craftsy and didn't even know you could follow people lol, I do now, though, ty!

Tanyia said...

I like you on FB as well

Paula said...

Happy happy .... My son and daughter in law just had my first grandbaby two and a half weeks ago!

Paula said...

I follow you via Google Friend Connect / Blogger.

Paula said...

I shared on facebook!

Michelle Frame said...

We are taking our 3 kids to Disney so I am busy sewing outfits for the two girls.

Anita said...

I follow your blog.

Anita said...

One happy thing is that I have been together with my family for summer vacation, but the sad part is that my sons will go back to college soon, and that I won't be seeing them until Christmas.

Kathy S. said...

Sad -- My 3 year old nephew was killed in a tractor accident in 1980. I remember the day like it was yesterday. Sorry for the gloom, but it's the most vivid memory that I have.

Kathy S. said...

I follow you on Craftsy.

Kathy S. said...

I follow you via facebook. Thanks for the chance to win the beautiful fat quarters -- nice picks, by the way.

Cindy F said...

My oldest son is coming home for a visit this Saturday!

Cindy F said...

I follow you on Facebook too!

Amanda @ BedTime Quilting said...

I'm teaching my 6 year old how to sew!

Amanda @ BedTime Quilting said...

I follow your blog. :) have a great day!

Laura said...

We are expecting our third grandchild in a few weeks!

Laura said...

I follow your blog!

Laura said...

I follow you on FB.

JLVerde said...

Great news for your son!

My happy/sad is being pet-less. I miss my cats but I know I'll be getting new cat kids soon (just not soon enough!).

Thanks for the giveaway.

dawn - Mi rincón de mariposas said...

We're preparing our new home, we're so happy and excited about it, but it's taking soooo long!


dawn - Mi rincón de mariposas said...

I follow your blog, thanks!

Mary C said...

I follow your blog and love seeing pictures of your completed projects.

Quilt Doodle Designs said...

I follow you through GFC and also on Craftsy :)

Mary C said...

I am in a happy frame of mind; I am going to visit my family later in August. It has been several months since I have seen them and am looking forward to some quality time.

Mary C said...

I follow on FB.

Quilt Doodle Designs said...

hummmm something happy... I just became Auntie a couple months ago (Baby David) and great Auntie a few months ago (Baby Rose). New babies are so much fun! Love working on baby quilts and smaller projects.

Mary C said...

I follow on Craftsy!

Mary C said...

I like the Plus Plus pattern on Craftsy.

Wendyb said...

lovely fabrics.......something sad .....having to resign after teaching primary school children for 23 years due to health umbilical cord is now cut!!!...don't know quite what to do.....quilt perhaps???
thanks for the great giveaway

Teresa Quilts said...

Great giveaway, Richard and Tanya!!! I appreciate the opportunity! I have been making purses and having good success with it.

Wendyb said...

I'm now following on Craftsy and love your double hourglass baby quilt! so cute!

Wendyb said...

Im following on FB too

Teresa Quilts said...

I follow you on Facebook, google +, and email.

Teresa Quilts said...

I am sharing this giveaway on Facebook.

Gene Black said...

A happy thing that is going on in my life is that my oldest niece is starting to sew. She made two dresses for her daughters. I am so proud of her.

Gene Black said...

I follow you with GFC and Google+

Emily C said...

I start senior year for a bachelor degree in 3 weeks.

Emily C said...

I follow you on GFC and bloglovin.

Emily C said...

I follow on facebook.

Gene Black said...

I am following you on Craftsy.

Gene Black said...

I tweeted it

Sweet Dreams Quilting said...

I follow on Bloglovin

Sweet Dreams Quilting said...

I tweeted it.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Sad and happy here; all 3 of our sons are out on their own. I miss them; but they are all doing wonderful and have families of their own. I can see them whenever I like; so that is good.
Congrats to that little(big) man of yours.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

I am a long time follower via GFC

Anonymous said...

I follow you by email already. :-)

Anonymous said...

I just started to follow you on FB; I added you to an interest list (quilting--surprise, surprise)which is supposed to make me more likely to get updates.

Anonymous said...

Can't think of anything especially happy, but I love my life as it is.

Jane's Quilting said...

Happy, oh yeah....our son and fiance just moved from PA down here to TN to be near us....YEAH!! Sad....who wants to think sad?

Jane's Quilting said...

I am a follower for a long time, also on FB.

toplesshotdog said...

I just bought a new convertible, so that's a happy thing going on right now

Debbie said...

Happy things going. On is planning a camping trip with family. They live 12 hours away so we are meeting in between. Also getting my son ready for preschool camp

toplesshotdog said...

Following via GFC as K-Rock

Debbie said...

Happy things going. On is planning a camping trip with family. They live 12 hours away so we are meeting in between. Also getting my son ready for preschool camp

toplesshotdog said...


toplesshotdog said...

I like you on FB

toplesshotdog said...

I follow you on Craftsy

toplesshotdog said...

I commented on your adorable Owl Quilt!

madquilter65 said...

I am following u on crafty!

madquilter65 said...

I am following u on fb

madquilter65 said...

I am following u on Pinterest

madquilter65 said...

You r so very talented, love ur patterns!


Happy New grandchild due in Nov, that will be 6 gbabies 5 and under.. I am busy quilting and could use all the FQ I can get.. LOL

madquilter65 said...

My sad thing is, I have four children and my baby just turned 23 on the 29th of July. Makes me feel old!


I follow with Email and google

Cal said...

Good luck for your eldest! I follow you through GFC and G+




Follow YOU on Craftsy



Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Follow on Bloglovin!

Gill said...

Great giveaway!
We have 2 family weddings to look forward to and the birth of my niece's first baby!

Gill said...

I follow you with GFC!

Gill said...

I follow you on Craftsy!

this would be a great quilt for my new grandbaby due in NOV.. thank you for the giveaway and I am a pinterest follower and pinned this pattern too.

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Sou seguidora blogger GFc Sou

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Happy to have a thriving business doing something I love.

Kristi said...

Thank you for the giveaway. A happy sad thing in my life is I am going back to college to finish my degree which is happy news, sad thing is I am really struggling with a class I have to have and it is making my life crazy.

Kristi said...

i am a follower of your blog...thank you

Kristi said...

my favorite pattern from your craftsy site is the plus plus pattern...I love it and always admire the quilts I see like it.

Mary Marcotte said...

I follow through Google+. My life is happy and thrilling! (My) Richard and celebrated our 35th anniversary this month.

Vicki H said...

My sister and her family are driving my mom from MN to KS to visit me and my family. My mom will then stay with me for an unknown number of weeks before I return her to her home in MN. Plus the visit will be on my birthday!

Vicki H said...

I follow via GFC and Bloglovin.

Stephanie @ Quarter Incher said...

My daughter just had her 1st birthday!

Stephanie @ Quarter Incher said...

I follow you on bloglovin'

Stephanie @ Quarter Incher said...

I pinned this giveaway

Stephanie @ Quarter Incher said...

I'm a facebook fan

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I'm happy to know my sadness won't last

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I follow you on GFC and bloglovin'

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I'm following you on Craftsy

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I'm following you on FB

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I saved your Shield and Sword pattern.....just great.

Quilting Tangent said...

Follow on bloglovin'.

Quilting Tangent said...

Having a 60th birthday in the family.

Quilting Tangent said...

Like your color blast quilt, the orange caught my eye.

Shauna said...

Ohh happy things in my life is my sister got her custom boot yesterday so she can begin walking again. It has been hard with her wheelchair bound for the last 2 months.

Shauna said...

I follow you with bloglovin

Shauna said...

I follow you on Craftsy

Shauna said...

I commented on the Orange and Gray Helix pattern. :)

Trinity said...

awesome giveaway! I just got a bunch of FREE legos for my boys!

Unknown said...

I am happy that we've gotten some rain in July, a rare thing for Texas. :)

Unknown said...

I follow you on bloglovin

Trinity said...

I did the 1 - 5!

Mara said...

My friend Shirley Tener shared the giveaway with me and that makes me happy!

Vivian said...

Those fabrics are gorgeous. I am happy the busy time is done with at work and I can finally relax some, no more stress.

The Thompsons said...

Something happy - my 2 month old is starting to sleep a little bit longer at night. Hallelujah. :)

fenna said...

happy--raspberry jam in the making :)

fenna said...

I follow you on google friend

Deb@asimplelifequilts said...

We have a family get-together this weekend with cousin's I haven't seen in a few years... one has a new baby to snuggle!

Unknown said...

Happy, happy..we should be starting building of our retirement home here in Mexico within the next 2-3 months depending on when rainy season ends. The second floor will be all for my quilting, crafting and stain glass.
thelady at

Unknown said...

I follow you via email and bloglovin.
thelady at

Unknown said...

I shared your giveaway on my facebook wall.
thelady at

Unknown said...

I follow you on Craftsy.
thelady at

Unknown said...

I already follow you on facebook.
thelady at

Unknown said...

I like your Color Blast Quilt, such a great bright statement.
thelady at

Melissa Graham said...

Let's see...something happy...I found loads of great clothes on sale for my kids for back to school.

Melissa Graham said...

I follow on google+

Melissa Graham said...

I followed on Craftsy.

Melissa Graham said...

I liked your Facebook page.

Karen said...

Great giveaway, thanks! My boys are enrolled in football camp for the holidays, they ran off and didn't look back on their first session... i'm happy because they are confident but sad that they didn't need/miss me! :o)

Karen said...

I follow you through Blogger and Bloglovin :o)

Karen said...

I commented on your Pillar Of Fire quilt on Craftsy, it's my favourite of yours! :o)

Lisa Cox said...

Hmmm, I guess having to spend $400 on 2 back tires would be a sad thing. Along with one of my bantam Silkie roosters died this morning.

Lisa Cox said...

I follow on Facebook

Lisa Cox said...

I follow you on Craftsy

Lisa Cox said...

I left a comment on the Batik top quilt and the Soldier's Star. Just gorgeous!

Lisa Cox said...

I follow via Google + and GFC

Mike Pearson said...

I am just happy to be alive. That's my happy moment right now :-) Congratulations on everything!

Christine M said...

I'm happy as tomorrow I head of on retreat! Three days of shopping, talking, eating and sewing!

Christine M said...

I follow you in my favourites folder. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

Joyce Carter said...

Thank you for the giveaway. A happy-sad thing going on in my life right now is my grandson that I raised from a baby has graduated from high school. Now he has a part time job and will be going to college in a couple of weeks. I am happy that he has grown up to be a very bright and wonderful boy, but I am sad that now he will be out doing his own thing. He has grown up so fast. I don't know where the time has gone.

Joyce Carter said...

I follow you through GFC/Bloglovin.

Joyce Carter said...

I also follow you on FB.

Flo @ Butterfly Quilting said...

I don't even want to get started on sad has been a tough month!
But thanks for the great give away...that would be something very happy!

Flo @ Butterfly Quilting said...

I am a follower too!

DeborahGun said...

I am about to go away for a few days holiday :-)

Laura B said...

I've finally gotten my sewing room organized. Yippee! And now I'm starting on my John Deere quilt for my grandson.

Laura B said...

I have liked you on facebook, I am following you on Craftsy and I commented on your gorgeous purple rag quilt on Craftsy.

Laura B said...

And I shared this giveaway on facebook.

sandyandcosmo said...

Something happy: I got three tops and a skirt for my granddaughter at Kohl's for a grand total of $0.53!

sandyandcosmo said...

I follow through GFC /Bloglovin

sandyandcosmo said...

I follow you on Craftsy.

sandyandcosmo said...

I commented on your Glimma quilt.

JoyceLM said...

I'm happy that two of my nieces are pregnant so I have incentives to make some baby quilts, which I love making. Thanks for the giveaway.

JoyceLM said...

I'm a follower by email. Thanks again.

JoyceLM said...

Following you on FB. Thanks.

Margaret said...

I have a new job working in a LQS and I bought a new sewing machine. I now have five. Is hat too many?

Margaret said...

I am a follower/stalker.

Margaret said...

I follow you on Facebook too.

Margaret said...

I also follow you on Craftsy.

Elisabetta said...

My little girl Anna had lost two days ago her binky, that's exactly what I was expecting

Elisabetta said...

I follow with bloglovin'

Elisabetta said...

I shared on FB

Elisabetta said...

I follow you on Craftsy

Elisabetta said...

I follow you on FB

Elisabetta said...
This is my comment, thank you Richard

quiltmom anna said...

Hi Richard,
These are some lovely fabrics for your winner- I am sure they will love playing with those fat quarters.
I am a long time follower of your blog and your facebook page.
Summer is always a mixed bag. Our grown son lives across the country from us in PEI so that always makes us feel a little lonesome for him- We are happy that we are going to a wedding this weekend ( our niece) and then to the mountains for a few days which are always beautiful.
Keep enjoying and sharing your passion for quilting.

quiltmom anna said...

I added a comment on your Craftsy page- you have some fun patterns and I really liked your windows quilt. very fun pattern.
Regards Anna

quiltmom anna said...

I shared a link on my facebook page of this post- I am sure you are going to gain some new followers on it.
Regards from Alberta,

Unknown said...

I am a Facebook follower.

Unknown said...

I shared your giveaway in my quilt group :)

Unknown said...

My Happies at the moment... husband has a job interview tomorrow! oldest starts military school this school year and is super excited!

...I get to have my youngest with me for at least one more year of virtual schooling (he may want to go to military school later too) for me, yesterday was my birthday and it was a wonderful day spent with my Doods and besties. Also, after 2 days of rest from sewing/quilting my arm is not hurting so much so now I can go full speed again!

KT said...

Wow great giveaway! Happy news! My sister in law has moved so close our sons go crazy if we don't see them everyday!

KT said...

I follow by email

KT said...

I am a fan of your FB page

Unknown said...

We're moving in less than two months to my dream place and I found out I'm going to be a grandmother again in February.

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Following on Craftsy

Unknown said...

I like Richard & Tanya Quilts on Facebook

Unknown said...

Following on Google Pluss

Unknown said...

Shared on Twitter

Sara said...

Following you on Craftsy

Sara said...

Following you on Craftsy

mary said...

My oldest daughter, who just turned 20 on Sunday has been away all summer working at a camp that's 5 hours from our house. She'll be back in a couple of weeks, then she goes back to college at the end of the month.

mary said...

I follow you on FB, email and blogger.

Andrea said...

Happy moments - my hubby has healed from his recent surgery!!!

Andrea said...

I follow your blog by email.

Andrea said...

I follow you on Craftsy too.

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