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My wife tells me Julia looks tinted red? While I still think she looks cute.
This is a quilt for my brother in law another quilt made for Christmas. I bought some material to make this Rag Quilt and then my wife decided to make it bigger then original plan so we did not have enough of one material to do what was originally planned. So we added the lighter red (its actually squiggles a cute material)
The back we did half gray and half red. I love the pattern that turned out.
Again tonight I tried the FMQ. This time I took one of my summer fun hot pads (I have 3 more to practice with after this one) I did a lot of weird things not trying to do any design just trying to get the feel for how the thread sews. It was funny about 2/3 done and I turned it over and had giant hoops all over the back of thread. I am having troubles with this FMQ but did watch a few video's today and need to watch more. I think I finally got kind of an idea of what I am doing.
Here is the back you can see more of my ugly squiggles. Now to learn some of these patterns. I have hear the word stippling and I don't know what it is so I guess I should go figure that out and give it a try. Any way today was better then yesterdays disaster at FMQ.

Hot pads are a great idea to practice FMQ on!
i was catching up on reading your blog and noticed in the previous post that you didn't have any of your quilt pin basted when you were trying to do free motion. when i free motion i pin baste extensively. invest in some of the quilters basting pins - they aren't expensive and have a funky bump in them that makes them easier to put in and out.
the loops on the back may be a tension issue or it may be that you are moving too fast. also, have you dropped your feed dogs? it's a tricky business, but when you get it, you get it! and it feels pretty good - keep working at it.
Definite progress Richard - way to go! Keep practicing and you'll be a pro before you know it!
You'll get the FMQ. It's a lot of patience and practice. Have you checked out any of Leah Day's FMQ project videos? She rocks!!!
You get so much done in a week. WOW!
I think Julia looks just adorable! And the quilt is great :)
I bought this spray to baste it called 505, there is a pic on my blog of the can, $12.99 but I was at a quilt store. I bet a craft store has it. Last weekend I tried the pin method and kept sticking myself. When we were at the store I asked about other methods this was her solution. I cut up a trashbag, do it outside, spray but fabric on batting works like glue, today nothing shifted. Hope this helps let me know.
I am having the loopy loop problem on the back, too. A friend told me to tighten the tension before I start to FMQ.
Stippling is a continuous line that does not cross itself anywhere. Think of making curvy puzzle-piece shapes, or a bunny's nose and ears in profile.
The loops on the back are your top tension. I always have to turn my tension up quite a bit for quilting.
You'll get there. Just keep practicing!
Also, great rag quilt! Julia is adorable, as always! Thanks for linking up!
xo -E
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