Posted by Richard. Will ship anywhere.
Today is Quilting Gallery's starting day for blog hop with giveaways to celebrate back to school days. Tanya and I are excited to celebrate because we have 3 kids back in school.
To let you know a little about Richard and Tanya Quilts, our quilting adventure or rather my quilting adventure started back in December 2011. I have been married for a while now and at that time had 3 wonderful children ranging from 16 - 7. My wife and I had decided that it was time to have another child (some of you may be thinking with kids that old we must be nuts), but we decided to have another baby. After Tanya got pregnant, I started to think about all the things I needed for the new baby including a quilt. You probably think that is easy to come by. At the time I knew no one that could quilt . I approached my wife and asked her to make our baby (She is born now and her name is Julia) a quilt.
We are not a traditional family in the way we run the house. I am a kids and baby person (I change diapers, feed the kids, cook etc). My wife on the other hand is a Electronics Tech. She works with her hands repairing and fixing broken electronics devices. I make this point because I am a programmer and have a serious phobia of getting my hands dirty. When something breaks around yard or house it usually her fixing it.
So your saying enough of a history lesson, this is a giveaway get to the point. My wife told me that if I wanted a quilt make it yourself. Hum. How hard could it be to make a quilt. That started
http://richardquilts.blogspot.com/ For a long time it was just me making quilts.
I made my first blog post on Jan 2, 2012. It is worth a read to go back and see where it all started.
Yes I did make the quilt for Julia, it was the 2nd quilt I ever made and its name is
Hearts and Flowers, you can follow that link to read more about it. I did not stop there as my goal was not to make rag quilts (that's what my first few quilts were, because I had no clue how to "Quilt" a pieced quilt.)
It did not take me long to get the nerve to machine quilt that first pieced quilt.
The quilts name is Train Wrek you can follow that link to find out more about it. Note the name is not because there are trains in the quilt, but that the quilt as a whole was a complete wreck from the start (its a interesting read trust me).
This is a batik top that I have recently finished, the largest one to date (Its only twin size). My skills are growing, but I am far from the quilter I one day hope to be.
Now 9 months later, I am still lost (OK not lost, but not where I want to be). I set a goal to make 52 quilts this year, 1 per week and I have almost already done that (mostly lap or baby quilts). I am setting a new goal and that is to make a few larger quilts once a month (in addition to the smaller ones). I want to make a queen size similar to the batik above for my bed (I haven't yet made a quilt for my own bed).
Yes I have stopped blabbing, its time to giveaway. I would like to have 3 separate giveaways. Each one with a different way of entering. (I will list at the end some bonus entries for those that want to increase their luck)
Before you get too discouraged, you can make one single post and do any or all of the below to enter contest. I will put every thing into a spread sheet. Though if its easier for you, you may have more then one post also.
Contest A
Leave a comment on the post telling me a quilting goal you have. (no strings attached other then you have to have a goal)
Contest B
Follow my blog (you can do so via email, GFC, Reader etc) just tell me in comment how you follow. (if your new tell me that too)
Contest C
Now with 3 contests we need 3 prizes. Because I have 3 prizes and 3 contests you would think 1 prize belongs to a specific contest, nope that takes the fun out. When we draw for winners the first drawing will be which prize of the 3 listed below will go to Contest A, which will go to Contest B and which will go to Contest C. I know some will not want to do all 3 of the above, which is fine, you will get a chance to win a prize. But if you do all 3, you will be in 3 different contests not just one (Maybe if supper lucky you can win all 3, but I hope we have 3 different winners).
I will at the end of the post give an example post so if you get lost look at that.
Prize 1
This is 2/3 yard of a fabric called Dress Up Days by Doohikey Designs (A Riley Blake Designs)
Prize 2
4 Fat Quarters picked to to match together.
There is a solid black, and two Butterfly FQ's - Ball not sure the line or designer. The purple flower is an unknown name or designer.
Prize 3
This is my favorite. With Halloween approaching I just cant wait to make a Ghastlies quilt, the fabric line is from Alexander Henry. There are 6 FQ's in grays.
I know your saying how can I give away the Ghastlies? Well I held back a few of them for me.
Pesrsonal stash, not giveaway. |
Yes 17 FQ and a little yardage can we say I have some Ghastly plans up my sleeves (Remember this bundle I am NOT giving away, but the 3 above are!
Bonus Entry (you can have up to 5 bonus entries) Please be specific on the bonuses to which of the 3 contests you are wanting it applied too I will give example below. (you must have already completed the original requirement to add it). Note you can do all below if you want, but only 5 bonus entries
1) Blog about my giveaway (linking back to my site)
Facebook about giveaway (linking back to my site)
Tweet about Giveaway (linking back to my site)
Post on Google+ Giveaway (linking back to my site)
Pin one of my completed quilts on Pinterest (go to any of my completed blog posts and pin directly to that post one of the images on it please pick posts about completed quilts or blocks you like) You can do this on up to 3 times (remember only 5 bonus entries).
7) +1 any blog post on my site. You can do this up to 3 times.
8) Surprise me and do something more creative as a bonus entry!
So to recap 3 prizes, 3 giveaways, up to 5 bonus entries (you pick which giveaway)
Example 1
I leave a comment telling about my goal to make 52 quilts in 52 weeks (Contest A entry) I also am a follower in GFC and Reader (Contest B entry) I hate social media and do not enter Contest C.
I also Like the Etsy store (I want Extra entry in contest A) and I +1 this post (Extra entry Contest B)
I have 2 entries in Contest A, 2 entries in Contest B, 0 in the social crap!
Example 2
I share my goal about making 1 Queen size quilt a month (A), I follow in reader (B), I follow on G+ (C) I also Posted about the giveaway on Google+ (C), Tweeted about it (C) +1 Julia's quilts blog post (C), Liked Etsy store (C), I did something surprising (no I am not going to tell you what) (C)
I have 1 in A, 1 in B, and 6 in C (yes hedging my bet that not many will enter this and I want to win it)
Thanks again for visiting Richard and Tanya Quilts, have a GREAT! Day. (Oh and don't forget to click on the big button at top of the post and visit all the other giveaway's going on this week).
This is open for international entries and will giveaway will close on September 3rd.