Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I am in the mood for a giveaway what about you?

I was sitting in the sewing room tonight cutting up HST (started a new project, because while you can't have too many projects right?) And it hit me.  No not a brick in the head, it hit me that I have not been as giving lately as I was months ago.

As you can see from the picture I have again stated another project with the Twirl line of fabric my wife bought when I won a $50 gift certificate I blogged about that here.  Also this week my Sister In Law opened her Etsy Store ToshasPottery.

So what is it that I plan to giveaway you ask?

I wanted to give something Quilt like (as this is a quilting blog after all) and I wanted to give something that I bought from Tosha (or she might have given it to me I have so many cool things she has made) .

So when my wife came home from work, I pitched my idea of giving away some of the loot.  She agreed and brought me the 2 bowls ahead and my Lizard FQ that I bought.
You might remember that I have talked about Lizards in the past.  I don't part easily with Lizards, but hey I am in a giving mood.

So again to make things clear I am giving away 2 bowls that are hand crafted pottery from my sister in law which she also sells at her Etsy store here and I am giving away one cool Fat Quarter of a wonderful Lizard Print.

I am sure some of you are saying hey there is a blog hop next week, why not wait.

Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways

I have decided that I am going to give away today the above listed items and then on Aug 25 though Sept 3 I am going to give away even more stuff.

So yes I am committing to 2 giveaways this week.

OK I know your all saying shut up and just tell me what I have to do to win those wonderful Lizards (I know I am ,can I enter?) Or you want the bowls OK so here it is.

Each item listed below is a entry, so its not do all or lose, its do all and have higher chance to win.

1) Leave a post telling me why you love Lizards (you can lie I won't hold it against you).
2) Follow my blog (or tell me you already follow it) for a entry in separate comment.
3) +1 (found at bottom of this post) this blog post  or Follow Richard and Tanya Quilts G+ page or like us on Facebook. When done add another comment.
4) Post about this giveaway on Facebook or G+ or twitter or all 3 then comment that you did.
5) Last and most important Please visit and Favorite her store or one of her items and come back and tell me here.

If you read yesterdays post I am intrigued by this social networking thing so if you you did not read the post go check it out.

This giveaway is open to any one any where in the world.  Thanks again for visiting my blog and helping me out with this giving spirit I am in today.  It seems in my rush to give away last night I forgot to mention when it ends.  This will be open until 9/1/2012


Samantha said...

Have you seen the picture of my Ukelele?? Nuff said as to why I like Lizards.. only cuz they are the coolest things ever!

Uke Pic here:

Samantha said...

I follow you! :D

Samantha said...

I favorited her blue frog but I love all the blue stuff! I might have to spring for a couple of things next time I have some $$ kicking around.

Janet said...

I love lizards because they are an animal (are they an animal?) that I never see. They are exotic and cool in my mind. So I need some lizard fabric so I can visualize them as they really are. :)

Janet said...

I am a follower.

Janet said...

I love the extruded soap dish in turquoise and purple (I'm sure the colours actually have more exotic names) in Tosha's Etsy store. And I favourited it.

Homemaker Honey said...

I love the little lizards that eat the bugs around my home.

homemakerhoney @gmail .com

Gill said...

I like the lizard bowls but I'm not a fan of real lizards!

Gill said...

I'm a follower!

Gill said...

I favourited the 'leaf and duck soap dish'!!

Gene Black said...

Lizards are cute because they just are...and I like them. I love the ones that change color. That just seems like magic.

Gene Black said...

I follow your blog

Gene Black said...

I G+'ed this blog post.

Gene Black said...


Gene Black said...

I favorited Tosha's store on Etsy

JLVerde said...

How can you not love lizards? Most of them can lick their own eyes. And they can climb up flat surfaces with their "sticky" feet. And they eat bugs. And there's the whole "breakaway tail" thing some of them have going on. That's super sly right there.

I could go on. . .

JLVerde said...

I follow you.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

i love lizards Richard..I raised 3 sons...liazards were a part of life

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

I added he leaf soap dish to my favorites...

Average Quilter said...

I am a follower

Mary C said...

I am a follower and love your postings. I get inspired when I read about how much you get accomplished!

Mary C said...

I love the color of the lizard fabric and am a fan of southwestern looking prints/colors. I think I would do something for one of the grandsons with this fabric. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Mary C said...

Love Tasha's work. I "favorited" her. I love the colors/designs she creates. Thank you!

Joyce Carter said...

True story. I wasn't a fan of any creepy thing until I had my first grandchild. He LOVED lizards. So, of course, I had to be the one to hold them when he caught them.After a while, they began to seem not so creepy. Now, I actually like them.He has an iguana that I really love.

Joyce Carter said...

I already follow you on your blog and love seeing all the things you and Tanya make.

Joyce Carter said...

I already like you on Facebook.

Mike Pearson said...

I like the soap dish with Green glaze with Purple accent & Turquoise glass melted on it. I hearted the shop too :)

Mike Pearson said...

I already follow your blog on reader and GFC.

Mike Pearson said...

I already follow on facebook and G+... I also shared on G+

Mike Pearson said...

I posted on G+, Facebook (AmateurQuilter) and twitter:

Mike Pearson said...

Now, why do I love lizards? Hmmm... I really love owls and the Wizard of Oz and the color green... I love lizards because they are green, and because they are food for owls :)

Charlene S said...

Lizards are great at adapting. That is why I love lizards.

Charlene S said...

I am a follower.

Bonnie said...

I just love lizards. We used to have a 4 foot iguana.

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Yup I like lizards - especially the cameleons with their eyes that go different ways and how they can change their colours - wih I could do that!!

Karen said...

I like the chameleans. Lizards always look so warm basking in the sun.

barbara woods said...

love her work

Maxine said...

I love lizards - with ketchup! LOL.

Maxine said...

I am a follower.

Maxine said...

I follow Richard and Tawyna's blog too. Amazed at how much they get done!

Lisa Cox said...

I already follow your great blog

Lisa Cox said...

I +1'd you and have Liked you on Facebook

Lisa Cox said...

I favorited Tosha's Pottery on Etsy

quiltmania said...

Of course I'm a follower. Maybe someday I might be a leader, but..........

Lisa Cox said...

I love lizards. They come in so many cool and different colors and shapes and sizes. Some with little toes, and others with those cute little feet like chameleons. They are the coolest.

Andrea said...

I already follow your blog! You are so very unique...I get a kick out of reading and seeing what you create.

Andrea said...

Lizards, why I love lizards...mostly because they are such a beneficial creature...we love out lizards and have a bunch of them around our property (five acres in the Sierra Foothills) We nearly always have a couple of resident lizards in our garage in the hot summer-time...and they are known to give us a scare or two when we step into the garage and surprise them and they dash out of our way...always so glad they're not one of the rattlesnakes they could be!

Andrea said...

Liked you on Facebook!

Andrea said...

Selected my Favorite soap dish on Tosha's etsy store!

.ambre. said...

I'm not super fond of small lizards because they're too fast. I like the huge ones that sit on your shoulder and just chill out. :)

Cheryl said...

I love the little lizards in florida, everytime I visited my grandparents when I was young I spent most of the time trying to find them.

Cheryl said...

I follow your blog

Lori said...

I dont love lizards. I think they are cute and cool. But my daughter loves gekos. This fabric would make something cool for her. She is in CA now.

Unknown said...

I never really saw lizards living in Seattle, but after 3 years in Mexico, I think most that I've met in my yard and on neighborhood walks are adorable but seem to be afraid of us larger creatures.

Unknown said...

I now follow you on facebook.

Unknown said...

I've added Tosha's etsy sore to my favorites .

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

That lizard fabric is sew cute! I really like her bowl with the musician, too. The other one is also cute. She does nice work.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Of course I'm a follower, but, I don't do any social media, so, you won't see any more comments from me here.

Anonymous said...

Well, actually, I DO love lizards! Lizard-watching was one of my favorite things when I lived in the deserts of Arizona. I have designed lizards for various projects. I also love Kokopelli, and I see that both are part of this giveaway! Hope I win, and thanks for the link to Tosha's site, and for the giveaway offer.

Anonymous said...

I follow by e-mail, but don't do the social junk, so this is it, my two entries! Hope, hope, hope! Thanks, thanks, thanks!

Gwen said...

I have always thought that lizards are a lot like miniature dinosaurs-- and that is just too cool! :-) We've always had the little green lizards at our house, and the teeny tiny little baby ones are just so adorable! :-) Over that last several years, we have also begun to see large skinks here- they're much more snake-like, but just not as scary! ;-)

Gwen said...

I am a follower-- thanks again! :-)

Gwen said...

I "favorited" one of Tosh's adorable cat magnets! So cute! :-)

Beth said...

Lizards remind me of summer days when we were kids. My brother and I used to catch the chameleons who were sunning on the side of our house. Simple fun.

Anonymous said...

My brother and I used to have lizards when I was younger. They're just so cute.

Coral said...

I like lizards because they are warm when you hold them.

Coral said...

I follow you two,too.

Coral said...

We are connected thru' FB.

Coral said...

I'm Tosha's friend on FB now!

Coral said...

Your give-away is on my FB!

Coral said...

I'm Tosha's friend through Etsy - duh!!

Lynn M said...

Lol I am not lying when I say I really do love lizards. We used to catch them and play with them when I was a kid.

Lynn M said...

I'm a follower

Lynn M said...

I pushed +1

Lynn M said...

I shared it on fb

Margaret said...

We had an iguana named Charlie. He lived with us for about 7 years until he got a bacteria virus and passed on to lizard haven. He was so much fun to have around.

Margaret said...

I am a new follower.

Margaret said...

I like you on Facebook

Carin@Ullhärvan said...

I love the small lizards we have around here!

Carin@Ullhärvan said...

I follow you with GFC!

Carin@Ullhärvan said...

Toshas Pottery is my favorite!

Tiffany said...

My husband absolutely loves lizards - I think they are slimy and gross! >.>

Tiffany said...

I'm a follower!

Susana said...

Gracias por su generosidad y la de Tanya.Puedo mentir?y usted no se vengara?Ja ja .

sew.darn.quilt said...

I really do love lizards so do my boys all 3 of them as does my DIL, she has 2 {bearded and a skink}.
I guess you could say Lizards run in our family!
Your SIL's pottery is absolutely lovely and I would love to give it and the FQ a home on the Canadian prairies!
Thank you for the chance =)

sew.darn.quilt said...

Of course I'm a follower =)

Anonymous said...

Lizards - especially in crafts are just so cute! (not sure I want a live one though)

Anonymous said...

I now follow your blog (GFC)

Anonymous said...

I now follow you on G+

Mara said...

First time seeing the lizard fabric, it's so pretty and kind of manly, I can see how you can make many projects out of this.

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