I am talking about the quilt though its just as true to be speaking of Julia. This is my first quilt to be made specifically to be sold. I am selling the Baby Quilt (not the baby) in the pictures on this page for 35$ plus cost of shipping.
I have sold many things in life but never a quilt so this is totally new to me. So this is a trial run. I took some inside and outside pictures and its so funny how different the colors look in each.
Just for the record I am also willing to make other quilts on commission. So if you like any of the quilts I have been making and would like your own made by me just comment here on the post or email me.
Now for questions for all those that have sold many quilts. What is the best way to sell a quilt and how do you price them?
My wife and I enjoy making the rag quilts because they are so warm and cuddly this rag quilt has the same pattern back and front which is different from most that I have done in the past that have different materials on front and back.
Here is the back
and here is the front again.

The quilt is gorgeous! I've never sold one. Have a look on Etsy, a lot of bloggers have shops on there =D
Your quilt is charming. I'm sure someone will snatch it up!! Good luck. Julia's a little cutie!
QUE SUSTO...brincadeira.JÚLIA cresceu muito,Parabéns.Eu vendo colchas para berço, padrão americano,cerca de 130x080 cm,por 200reais(moeda brasil).Um abraço e muita saúde para você e sua família.
The lady above says that she charged or bought, not sure which, about $110 for a 52 x 52 inch quilt. =) In Brazil.
This is going to go fast, I think! It's a good thing for me the baby doesn't come with it, but it's tempting to make a package deal offer. =)
Great quilt and Julia is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
Quilting at the River Linky Party Tuesday
Do you speak Portuguese? You must. If not, I do, so let me know if you need translation.
Anyway, What a cute quilt! I love the colors. $35 is almost giving it away. I'd say price it a bit higher.
Congrats on a beautiful finish! And what a little sweet heart Julia is.
xo -E
When I was focusing a lot on my etsy shop, I would read all the time about pricing. Here's the formula that I remember seeing the most.
((The time you spent making it x how much you want to get paid an hour) + the cost of the supplies) x 2 = how much you should charge.
I don't think I ever charged that much. I was often making things that took way too much time and weren't worth the price. I think quilting is a different story and the quilts are much more worth the price. It's a wonderful quilt! Good luck! and you have a beautiful little girl!! :)
Your daughter is so cute! Etsy seems to help people sell buut I don't know if you have to pay a commision or not. It's a beautiful quilt if you have a local quilt shop they will usually sell your quilts but they do want a commision and you would price it higher.
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