Today is Quilting Gallery's starting day for blog hop with giveaways to celebrate back to school days. Tanya and I are excited to celebrate because we have 3 kids back in school.
To let you know a little about Richard and Tanya Quilts, our quilting adventure or rather my quilting adventure started back in December 2011. I have been married for a while now and at that time had 3 wonderful children ranging from 16 - 7. My wife and I had decided that it was time to have another child (some of you may be thinking with kids that old we must be nuts), but we decided to have another baby. After Tanya got pregnant, I started to think about all the things I needed for the new baby including a quilt. You probably think that is easy to come by. At the time I knew no one that could quilt . I approached my wife and asked her to make our baby (She is born now and her name is Julia) a quilt.
We are not a traditional family in the way we run the house. I am a kids and baby person (I change diapers, feed the kids, cook etc). My wife on the other hand is a Electronics Tech. She works with her hands repairing and fixing broken electronics devices. I make this point because I am a programmer and have a serious phobia of getting my hands dirty. When something breaks around yard or house it usually her fixing it.
So your saying enough of a history lesson, this is a giveaway get to the point. My wife told me that if I wanted a quilt make it yourself. Hum. How hard could it be to make a quilt. That started http://richardquilts.blogspot.com/ For a long time it was just me making quilts. I made my first blog post on Jan 2, 2012. It is worth a read to go back and see where it all started.
Yes I did make the quilt for Julia, it was the 2nd quilt I ever made and its name is Hearts and Flowers, you can follow that link to read more about it. I did not stop there as my goal was not to make rag quilts (that's what my first few quilts were, because I had no clue how to "Quilt" a pieced quilt.)
It did not take me long to get the nerve to machine quilt that first pieced quilt. The quilts name is Train Wrek you can follow that link to find out more about it. Note the name is not because there are trains in the quilt, but that the quilt as a whole was a complete wreck from the start (its a interesting read trust me).
This is a batik top that I have recently finished, the largest one to date (Its only twin size). My skills are growing, but I am far from the quilter I one day hope to be.
Now 9 months later, I am still lost (OK not lost, but not where I want to be). I set a goal to make 52 quilts this year, 1 per week and I have almost already done that (mostly lap or baby quilts). I am setting a new goal and that is to make a few larger quilts once a month (in addition to the smaller ones). I want to make a queen size similar to the batik above for my bed (I haven't yet made a quilt for my own bed).
Yes I have stopped blabbing, its time to giveaway. I would like to have 3 separate giveaways. Each one with a different way of entering. (I will list at the end some bonus entries for those that want to increase their luck)
Before you get too discouraged, you can make one single post and do any or all of the below to enter contest. I will put every thing into a spread sheet. Though if its easier for you, you may have more then one post also.
Contest A
Leave a comment on the post telling me a quilting goal you have. (no strings attached other then you have to have a goal)
Contest B
Follow my blog (you can do so via email, GFC, Reader etc) just tell me in comment how you follow. (if your new tell me that too)
Contest C
Like Richard and Tanya Quilts page on Facebook, Follow on Google+, Follow me on twitter. (tell me which ones in your comment)
Now with 3 contests we need 3 prizes. Because I have 3 prizes and 3 contests you would think 1 prize belongs to a specific contest, nope that takes the fun out. When we draw for winners the first drawing will be which prize of the 3 listed below will go to Contest A, which will go to Contest B and which will go to Contest C. I know some will not want to do all 3 of the above, which is fine, you will get a chance to win a prize. But if you do all 3, you will be in 3 different contests not just one (Maybe if supper lucky you can win all 3, but I hope we have 3 different winners).
I will at the end of the post give an example post so if you get lost look at that.
Prize 1
This is 2/3 yard of a fabric called Dress Up Days by Doohikey Designs (A Riley Blake Designs)
Prize 2
4 Fat Quarters picked to to match together.
There is a solid black, and two Butterfly FQ's - Ball not sure the line or designer. The purple flower is an unknown name or designer.
Prize 3
This is my favorite. With Halloween approaching I just cant wait to make a Ghastlies quilt, the fabric line is from Alexander Henry. There are 6 FQ's in grays.
I know your saying how can I give away the Ghastlies? Well I held back a few of them for me.
Pesrsonal stash, not giveaway. |
Yes 17 FQ and a little yardage can we say I have some Ghastly plans up my sleeves (Remember this bundle I am NOT giving away, but the 3 above are!
Bonus Entry (you can have up to 5 bonus entries) Please be specific on the bonuses to which of the 3 contests you are wanting it applied too I will give example below. (you must have already completed the original requirement to add it). Note you can do all below if you want, but only 5 bonus entries
1) Blog about my giveaway (linking back to my site)
2) Facebook about giveaway (linking back to my site)
3) Tweet about Giveaway (linking back to my site)
4) Post on Google+ Giveaway (linking back to my site)
5) Pin one of my completed quilts on Pinterest (go to any of my completed blog posts and pin directly to that post one of the images on it please pick posts about completed quilts or blocks you like) You can do this on up to 3 times (remember only 5 bonus entries).
6) visit my Etsy store and like store or items in store. You can do this up to 2 times.
7) +1 any blog post on my site. You can do this up to 3 times.
8) Surprise me and do something more creative as a bonus entry!
So to recap 3 prizes, 3 giveaways, up to 5 bonus entries (you pick which giveaway)
Example 1
I leave a comment telling about my goal to make 52 quilts in 52 weeks (Contest A entry) I also am a follower in GFC and Reader (Contest B entry) I hate social media and do not enter Contest C.
I also Like the Etsy store (I want Extra entry in contest A) and I +1 this post (Extra entry Contest B)
I have 2 entries in Contest A, 2 entries in Contest B, 0 in the social crap!
Example 2
I share my goal about making 1 Queen size quilt a month (A), I follow in reader (B), I follow on G+ (C) I also Posted about the giveaway on Google+ (C), Tweeted about it (C) +1 Julia's quilts blog post (C), Liked Etsy store (C), I did something surprising (no I am not going to tell you what) (C)
I have 1 in A, 1 in B, and 6 in C (yes hedging my bet that not many will enter this and I want to win it)
This is open for international entries and will giveaway will close on September 3rd.
1 – 200 of 245 Newer› Newest»My quilting goal is to learn to free motion quilt feathers that look good. (so far mine look really pathetic.)
My quilting goal is to FMQ a whole quilt. I've played with a couple of small sandwiches, so now it's time for the real thing.
And I'm a follower :)
I blogged this on my post today.
I am a follower with GFC.
It was fun to go back in time and read about your start in quilting.
I tweeted it and #'marked rhealey101 I want the Ghastlies most of all.
My quilting goal is to make my interlocked heart corners actually line up by the time I'm done with the last one.
And I'm a follower!
I shared this on Google+
My quilting goal is to make a Christmas tree skirt - it will be my first REAL quilt project, and I get butterflies when I think about it.
I follow you via Google Reader, and I just added via GFC, too!
I liked you guys on Facebook!
I favorited Blue and Yellow Color Blast on Etsy. (Ghastlies for this one AND for comment #9)
I'm following you Twitter!
I added your Etsy store to my favorites.... Yes you guessed it, this entry is for the Ghastlies FQs
I G+'ed the purple Quilt and Freedom post ---Ghastlies
I did something I think as "creative and surprising" but it won't be to an old computer guy like you. Check my G+ to find it
(for Ghastlies)
I G+'d this post http://richardquilts.blogspot.com/2012/07/i-have-died-and-gone-to-quilting-heaven.html
How do you like that machine now that you have had it for a while..... what do you find annoying about it? anything?
For the Ghastlies! I added your Etsy store to my favorites! Giddy99
For the Ghastlies: I pinned that gorgeous orange and yellow quilt to Pinterest! http://pinterest.com/pin/260997740876075630/
For the Ghastlies! I tweeted! https://twitter.com/giddy99/status/239380123382599680
For the Ghastlies! I posted your giveaway on FB! http://www.facebook.com/Giddy99
For the Ghastlies! I tweeted my Pin of your quilt, too (SURPRISE)! :) https://twitter.com/giddy99/status/239380611670888448
My quilting goal is to learn PP
I'm a follower via GFC.
Tweeted - https://twitter.com/hueisei/status/239389300544905216
My quilting goal is to make a Christmas quilt for my dad out of some great Peanuts character fabrics. Just have to create the design now and get started.
I'm also a follower of your blog and I've really enjoyed seeing your talents evolve. You're such a quick learner! I've been very impressed.
I think I also follow you on Google+? I'm new to using it, but have you in my circle. Is that the same as following? I'll look into it.
One of my quilting goals is to make my husband and myself a king sized quilt. I follow you via GFC and also on Twitter (@tazaria). :)
One of my quilting goals is to make a Double Wedding Ring quilt for my bed. Thanks for the giveaway.
I am a follower of your blog.
I like you on Facebook.
My goal is to retain a little sanity, and perhaps someday organize my sewing room. lol. Actually my goal this week is to finish a couple of quilts for a friend made from Coquette by Chez moi! Thanks for the giveaways!
And of course I'm a follower.
I'm a follower!
My goal is to master curves so I'm going to do the 'Groove' QAL! wish me luck!
My goal is to finish the quilt I am making for my son, Steve before Christmas. I am also a follower via GFC.
My goal is to finish the 2 quilt tops for the 2 already grads (they graduated last spring), and get the tops machine quilted by someone (not me, I can't machine quilt worth a darn). I follow you on blogger. That sets me up for contest A & B. I don't qualify for C.
My goal is to some day, own a long arm machine.
My goal is to get more confident at FMQ.
I follow you via GFC
And I now follow you via the three social medias
My quilting goal is to have my own long-arm machine - oh, no stopping me then.
I am a follower thru Google Friend
Well I don't do all those things for 'C' - I think I have a larger stash of Ghastlies than you any way. Thay are fun!
i liked you on facebook
i am a follower
i started my blog to keep me sewing... i blog at wont-to-be quilter and i am in the blog hop
For contest C I did all three!
I liked you on FB as Peggy Gibbs.
I don't quilt, but do make tote bags for seniors and children in a Yahoo group called World of Charity Stitching. I guess my goal would be to learn how to quilt. We have quilters in our group who make lap quilts from cross stitched squares other (including me) create.
Sou seguidora GFC.obrigada.
Quero aprender a fazer as tais penas lindas em minhas peças.Obrigada.tiacarminhapezzuto@gmail.com
My quilting goal is to finish one quilt a month for the next year and to be more active in swaps and bees.
I follow your blog.
I follow your blog!
My goal: to complete all my WIP's.
I didn't understand all that hullabaloo about entering lol... my goal is to make all my Christmas gifts this year including at least one quilt. And I wanted to follow but couldn't see a way to do that...
My goal is to complete a quilt for MY bed to sleep under this winter. Everyone else in my family, from. My kids to my mother to my siblings to my cousins and nieces and nephews has a quilt from me. Time to make one for ME!
I hope I remember all of these.
A goal I have is to finish a Kaleidoscope quilt that I started a couple of years ago. It is next in line to be quilted.
I follow your blog in Google reader.
I like R&T quilts on FB.
I tweeted. I would like to win the Ghastlies.
my goal is to get down to only tw WIPs at a time {not likely, but hey, I might as well dream big} thanks for the giveaway!
I have a goal to finish a quillted wall hanging by then end of September. (hopefully before then)
csdillman at gmail dot com
Thank you for the chance to win such a great prize. I would like to make a following leaves wall hanging before September.
My goal is to finish'the'batman quilt I'm making for my husband
I'm a follower
I liked you on fb
I shared on fb I want my entries to go toward c
I plus one 'd your blog post
My quilting goal is to machine quilt 3 tops I have sitting in my sewing room - one is a queen size and I will probably chicken out and send it off to a quilter, the other 2 are a single bed and a lap quilt size.
I signed up via email.
I'm following you via twitter @quilary
Well, I think I'm thoroughly confused, but I'll try my best to do this right.
My quilting goal is to learn Free-motion quilting and become good at it. :)
I am following in GFC!
I Like Richard and Tanya Quilts page on Facebook, and I follow on Google+
I pinned a quilt here: http://pinterest.com/pin/205265695487254870/
I'd like to apply this to contest B.
I Facebooked about giveaway and I'll apply this to contest B.
I tweeted about the Giveaway and I'll apply this to contest A.
I Posted on Google+ about the Giveaway and I'll apply this to contest A.
I pinned another quilt here: http://pinterest.com/pin/205265695487254876/ and I'll apply this to contest C.
Ja ja !Desde el 2 de enero ?el tiempo es raro ,me parece que hace mas tiempo que tengo el placer de acompañar la vida y el trabajo ,de usted y de Tanya.Cariños.
My goal is to learn free motion quilting. I'm already a follower of yours! I now follow you on FB too! Have a Nice Day! :)
A: my goal is to start quilting a nice baby quilt with boats for my one year old nephew ^_^
B: I follow your blog via e-mail newsletter
B: I now follow you on Google+
C: I now follow you on Twitter as
1. My quilting goal is to actually quilt all the tops I've made, instead of just stacking them up.
2. I'm a follower - receiving posts by email.
3. I liked you on facebook.
Thanks for the 3 chances to win.
1 make a quilt for ME ... I don't know why I always forget myself ...
I'd like to actually quilt my quilt top - my machine is so old it's not really up to it! x
My goal is to improve my FMQ. I follow your blog with GFC. I follow you on Twitter.
I tweeted about this giveaway as bonus entry #1 for the Ghastlies. https://twitter.com/MoeWest/status/239735916795670528
I added your Etsy store to my favs and ♥ your orange and yellow lap quilt for bonus entries #2 and #3 for the Ghastlies.
My goal is to try a dresden quilt block! (contest a) scg00387 at yahoo dot com
I favorited your
Soldier's Star Lap Quilt
this counts for contest A!
Well done on Julia's rag quilt and I love the batik! My goal is to finish some of the ufo's I have started.
I repinned your Burst of Color here:
contest B
I repinned Dot's And Flowers here:
contest C
My quilting goal would be to master the 1/4 inch. I usually use the edge of my sewing foot but this is a titch bigger than 1/4 so I need to figure out a way to do it properly (and I hate using the 1/4 foot so that's not an option)!!!!
My goal is to learn how to free motion. I also follow you on Google+
my goal is to challenge my quilting skills more. I can free motion ok but I love the more intricate designs I've seen on other sites.
I follow you now through GFC
I am going to try another type of EPP. Not hexagons that I have already done. I may try and design my own pattern with these as I have the shapes, I am just afraid to try.
my goal? to finish a few UFO's. Thanks for the give away
right now my goal is to learn how to do circles.
Good luck to you and your family. Whatever works and how ever it works is what we should go with.
the last one, goes to contest C, is the pinning of your amazing puzzle quilt I find that PERFECT for the kids room =)
the link is here:
My goal is to finish my sting quilt. Its been in the works for a while.
For contest-A my goal for Fall iis to finish my kingsize Amish flannel pinwheel quilt, plus three doll quilts for my 3 granddaughters, and plan, cut and piece four twin size quilts for the four grands. Along with that I have a host of small sewing projects planned which include small quilted parts.
For contest-B I already follow your blog....these are the fabrics I really like too....actually I like all three!
For contest C I already follow you on Facebook.
i follow you on google+ too
My goal is to become more comfortable with machine quilting...other than doing straight lines. Want to be able to do swirls, loops, curls and whatever my heart desires. :-)
I follow on google +
I subscribe to your blog...love hearing about your projects!
To mske Haolloween and Christmas wallhanging for this year.
I subscribe via email to your blog.
I'm a follower!
I ;iked you on Facebook.
Love the giveaway, but am lost on the entries!.
Ok, I am a follower. Don't do Facebook, don't know what Google+ is!
My goal is to learn free motion quilting.
Visited your Etsy shop and love the orange and yellow lap quilt. Put me down for the Ghastlies!
I love a man that can quilt!! Wow and having another baby ! Wow my hat is off to you and your wife.
My goal is to finish up the 34 ufos I have stuffed in all my nooks and crannies of my house!!!
I am a GC follower now too!!!
Quilting Goal: finish my wedding quilt (hubby and I celebrated our 5th this year).
homemakerhoney @gmail .com
following via GFC
homemakerhoney @gmail .com
Facebook like
homemakerhoney @gmail .com
FB share
homemakerhoney @gmail .com
Deborah @gmail .com
I'm going to put all in one post:
Contest A: My quilting goal this year is to actually do a bed-size quilt from start to finish including machine quilting the top with something besides stippling. So far I've done lap and baby quilts but the thought of something bigger spooks me.
Contest B: I'm a GFC follower (Michelle Hudak)
Contest C: I like you on Facebook (Michelle Hudak), Follow on Google+ (Michelle Hudak) and on Twitter too (@auntiethesis)
Bonus for Contest A:
1) Tweeted: https://twitter.com/auntiethesis/status/239936749713883136
2) Fav'd the Dots and Flowers Lap Quilt on Etsy (shel704)
Bonus for Contest B:
1) Fav'd the Patchwork Baby Pinwheel Quilt (shel704)
Bonus for Contest C:
1) Shared on Google+ (https://plus.google.com/u/0/111194358285497576432/posts/druj45116dE)
2) Pinned your Paisley Parade quilt http://pinterest.com/pin/186758715768640928/
shel704 at aol dot com
(fingers crossed for those Ghastlies...love love love them!)
Okay....Let's see if I can do this properly.
My quilt goal is to finish three quilts by the end of the year. As hubby pointed out, I've been making a lot of "squares" lately...but I need to do something with them (Contest Entry A).
I'm a new follower by email (Contest Entry B)
I liked your on FB and am following you on Twitter (Contest Entry C).
I tweeted about the giveaway (Extra Entry in Contest A).
Whew....I think that's the best I can do for now.
Thanks for the giveaway. I'm looking forward to receiving your blog posts.
My quilting goal is to finish my UFOs. There are currently 3 in different stages and stalled for different reasons. One because I don't like it so much, my taste changed. One needs sandwiching. And my Swoon is QAYG and scary to put together!
I liked you on FB
I've given myself an ultimatum...no more online swaps until I DO something with the blocks I've already won/swapped! I would have maybe 10 projects waiting in baggies. Need to stitch them up!
I am also a fb fan
Wow..I hope I do this right...
Contest A - my goal to to finish my daughter's quilt for her big bed before she gets one late Nov.
Contest B - I follow via Google reader
Contest C - we are connected in Google+
Bonus Entries (5 bonus entries for Contest C please)
1) I twitted it https://twitter.com/CherylBrickey1/status/240067006613823488
2) I favorited the yellow and blue duck rag quilt on etsy
3) I favorited the dots and flowers lap quilt on etsy
4) I pinned your Seuss pillow case
5) I pinned your Dad's quilt
My #1 goal is to get better at machine quilting! I just purchased a new machine, so there are no more excuses. Thanks for the draws! :)
I´m in contest A only. My goal this year is to finish my quilttops that is lying in a box, waiting and waiting. I handquilt so it´s gonna take a while :)
Gun, Sweden
I have a goal to try making some hexes and also to us Emmy new Dresden ruler.
I follow on GFC.
I liked you on FB.
My goal is to become really proficient at free motion quilting.
I follow you with GFC!
My quilting goal is to get better at patchwork. It's the bridge between what I currently sew (dolls/toys) and actual quilting(which I'm interested in but still intimidated by).
This is a great giveaway!
I want to make a king sized quilt some day :) I follow you all over the place. I google + this post :)
My quilting goal is to organize an online shop. Thanks so much for a fabulous giveaway! =)
My goal is to learn how to applique. Thanks
I am following you on Facebook. Your quilts are lovely !
My quilting goal is to be in the black for stash used this year. A lofty goal at the point, but I'm trying.
ok so I'm confused but that is ok. I live in confusion
Contest A
I have to get my daughter's senior quilt started and finished this year as she graduates next spring.
contest B
gfc follower
contest C
follow on Google+
1. tweeted giveaway
2. google +
3. +1 any post
4. pinned
5. pinned
I am confused also. Was going to follow, but couldn't see the way either (like the commenter ealier). Guess I will have one entry. I want to learn to quilt my own quilts on my home machine. Please put this entry for the Ghastlies if possible. Thanks for the giveaway.
I just figured out how to follow you, so am a follower.
I so want to learn to free motion quilting. I have tried once or twice, not so pretty. :( I think you have some work ahead of you to get so many quilts done in a short time. And I am headed to sign up to follow y'all.
I follow your blog via GFC as Lisa Cox
I already like you on Facebook, follow you on Google+, and follow you on twitter
I favorited your Etsy store
use this bonus on contest C please
+1'd a post on your site
Bonus for contest C please
My quilting goal is to make a queen sized quilt for my bedroom. I keep making things for everyone else.
Shouldn't it be about ME now?
A: I have a goal to organize my quilting & sewing room-- believe me, it NEEDS it! ;-)
B: I follow your Blog on GFC.
C: I like Richard & Tanya Quilts on Facebook; I follow on Google+; and I follow on Twitter.
- Great prizes! My favorite is the Ghastlies too! :-)
I shared your giveaway on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gwendolyn.A1
I posted your giveaway on Twitter: https://twitter.com/GwenWindham/status/240240142504321024
I pinned "Tanya's Pinwheels" http://pinterest.com/pin/8373949278122256/
I pinned "Granny Squared" http://pinterest.com/pin/8373949278122260/
I pinned "Grandpap's Cards" http://pinterest.com/pin/8373949278122269/
I like prize 1 and 3. We love Halloween in our house! My quilting goal is to finish all of the projects I have started for my soon to be born daughter!
Ohhhhhhhhh Richard; you are making me work!! lol...I like it. My goal right now; is to finish this quilt I am hand quilting and get to the next one. I have a trip planned next month...lol
I am a follower
My goal is to finish my first rag quilt. I follow you and I like you on FB
I follow you on Google+
Hello! My quilting goal is to get caught up with machine quilting for other people (I am down to 4, picking up another one tomorrow) so I can finally work on some of my own projects.
I have subscribed to follow you by email. I pinned one of your quilts. I have liked you on Facebook.
I also spent some time reading and enjoying older posts as well as looking at your quilts on Etsy. You are quite a quilter. I would have never guessed you started less than a year ago.
I have a goal of 4 more Quilt befor Christmas!
I follow you here ob blogger!
I follow on FB.
I am in love with ghastlyies, but everything is nice.
What a sweet giveaway! My quilting goal is to finish my giant dinosaur quilt in time for the show it's designed for! (Running out of time!)
I also am a new follower in my google reader!
It was fun reading about the beginnings of your blog. I don't think I knew how it started before. My current goal is improving my FMQ. (I didn't realize you were on Google+, so I just added ya)
My goal is to have 10 quilts ready to give as Christmas gifts. I liked you on FB and posted a link to your blog (http://www.facebook.com/farm.quilting). All your giveaways are great!! Thanks for the opportunity!
I love your Soldier Star on Etsy! I am a follower of your blog as well!
One goal I have is to buy another professional quilting machine in two years.
I follow via e-mail.
I had already added your etsy to my favorites before, so I unfavorited it and refavorited it. LOL I know I am making up words! I also chose 3 favorite quilts. I hope that's what you mean by liking it.
All the prizes are great, Richard and Tanya! I don't care what the entry I just did is about. As you know, I don't do social media, and your example made me laugh, because it is me!
my goal is to finish 6 quilts for my grandkids, 10 for my charity group and one for me before Christmas..
I follow on facebook
a follow of your blog.
Main goal hope it doesn't have to be a quilting goal. I'm running for a political office. My goal is to win in November. Then go on a trip. thanks.
I would like to finish the quilt for my bed that I started this year.
I love the Ghastlies so I am really looking forward to seeing what you create with your stash.
I am a follower.
My quilt goal is to reduce some of the WIPs that I have and to organise my sewing area.
My quilting goal is to get my sewing room more organized.
I am now following your blog. Thanks for the giveaway.
I now follow you on facebook.
My goal is to get my site noticed and sell more quilts, do more quilting for others, etc. I am slowly on my way, but it sure takes time.
I am a follower, and I think it is great the way you take control, help with the children and quilt. Your quilts are beautiful, good job.
1) My goal for this year is to make one queen civil-warish quilt top, and to hand quilt one queen top that needs to be sandwiched still.
2) I already follow your blog.
My goal is to finish quilting the 2 QS quilts I currently have pieced. Great giveaway. Love the butterfly fabric.
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