The first to be opened was this wonderful fabric to the right from
Like every one of my fugly wins that my wife Tanya has seen, her first words is that's not fugly. And then of course she lists the project I could make it into. This one is destined to be a part of a quilt for her mother. Her words is that looks so much like my mom. If we added blaw blaw blaw (wait I have to admit like most men when the wife starts going on you just start saying ya ya and nodding the head at the appropriate time). But hey as long as she has a plan I am happy and I am sure she will smack my head for not listening to all the important details she was sharing. But she will re-remind me of them later.
Next up Amy from sent me the bricks and batik fabric. It is very pretty and I love it. My wife is not a bright and flashy fabric person and this is not on her list of likes (in fact any thing I have suggested similar she drags me in another direction). My my mind is calculating a good project for it. Though my first thought is wow some of those would look neat in my 2 1/2 cuts for my granny quilts and other 5 x 5 blocks and depending where the cut ended up it might be in purple, maybe in blues or pinks or yellows and a few others (oh ya more colors on the same material on other side).
As for the bricks the plan is to make some "Love At Home" Decorations. We have been trying to work with our kids over the last few years to convince them that if they love each other dad will have less of a desire to clunk their heads together. Has not worked so far but maybe some decorations will help. My wife has even offered to hand sew the text on for me and do other things. I am unwilling to hand sew its not my thing but a plan is in place. If you remember right last week I got some clouds too that would go great with the little houses. So maybe in a month or 2 will have something amazing to show you.
As for the last package it was HUGE I had never though about it when I won these, but man it takes a monster envelope to shove rulers in. I won these rulers in the Craizee Corners Nifty Notions Cut for the Cure Giveaway One thing I love is rulers. I now have 2 long ones one 6 inch wide one 8 1/2 wide. I also have to smaller squares 6 inch and 8 1/2 the long ones I use to cut the half width of fabrics (folded so cutting full length across. Then the littler ones to cut to size. Also have a 12 1/2 inch square and then 5-6 other strange shapes. So this will be a great addition.
Last but not least I want to mention the Leap Day blog hop. As soon as I get done with this post I will go write my post for that day. I have a giveaway that I am excited about. More info on the hop by following the button on my side bar or this button here.

Oh, cool rulers!
One quilter's fugly is another quilter's treasure. I agree with Tanya on that first fabric. It is beautiful! Can't wait to see what it becomes.
xo -E
Congrats on the wins! Can never have too many rulers. Clicked on the Leap Day giveaway but there is nothing there. Huh?
3 parcels!! That's a whole lot better than coming home to bills!!
You cannot imagine how jealous I am over those rulers. That is my *favorite* ruler type, because with the alternating pink and green lines, my eyes don't get confused and I don't cut the wrong size. I also like the fact that the small ruler is 7 inches instead of 6.5". I have only been able to afford the 7" ruler and the 14 x 7 one. So I'm jealous! =) Congratulations on such a super win. You've been doing well in the wins dept.!
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