Tanya and I plan to make this quilt and one similar to it for our grandmothers this year they have done so much for us and they deserve something sweet in return.
Now for what my wife calls hideous (now she is claiming she only laughed at it) Sorry for the bad lighting this time of day its hard to get good pictures with light though window. You will remember a while back I got some material from a neighbor. And that I dug though looking for plaids (ya ya Gingham) Any way I pulled them all out of the box and took the summer fun type and made hot pads. While I made a top out of the others.
I cut a strip or 2 from each of the Gingham prints and then sorted them into piles and while shuffled them like cards to make a random selection of prints. The color ranged from brown, to blue to a cool orange and a red. In my defense I think they all went to gather great and when my wife agreed they worked together she was having a contraction so was not really doing any thing other then telling me to get lost.
So once I got them sorted I sewed them together. I wanted to make a wavy pattern (and from learning the hard way with the hot pads) I had to turn on angle each row as I sewed them together. Its not as easy as it looks to sew a diamond together but by the last row i got pretty good at it.
Snow ball one of our cats (can I say I hate this cat?) Decided to come visit me. It likes to circle my legs and rub against them and being allergic to cats (yes I live in a house with 5 cats) it while gets on my nerves. I had the kids toss it out a couple of times.
But the darn thing kept coming back. It loves me and I just cant figure out why. I hate this cat. I love most of our others. Its nothing it does other then it likes me and it makes me itch more then any other cat.
I was able to get the cat to leave me alone long enough and I finished my quilt top. I showed it too my wife and all she could do was laugh at me.
I cant decide which way I like the quilt going right to left or up and down on the waves. Let me know which you like best?
Now I like this quilt and my wife hates it. If I cant find a better home for it I will finish it and put it in the car so that we have a quilt while traveling. The real reason I made this quilt was not for the quilt its self. I want to make a quilt in my bright oranges (yes more things Tanya hates) but before messing it up this was my practice run to see if my crazy ways will work and I think it turned out great.
On a good for wife note I tonight after making my ugly top (as Tan calls it) I cut the sashings for my sisters quilt and got the first row sewed together. The blocks are made from Good Fortune Jelly Roll which I won from January Finish Linky party at Such a Sew and Sew if you have not been by her site go visit I love it and please link up your finishes she has some great prizes offered each month.

I like all of these quilts ! the ugly one is NOT ugly at all ! It turned out great . Forgive her , she's pregnant .....
I really like it! I want to do something like that with my husband's old shirts that are too ratty around the collar. I've started confiscating and stockpiling them!
Richard - awesome projects!! What a sweet gesture for your grandmother's! I know they will treasure them!! And the plaid diamond quilt is great!! A perfect quilt for the car!!!
Have a great day!!
I love your wave quilt! It is very scrappy. I like the waves going up and down -- it almost looks three dimensional.
Your granny squares quilt top turned out beautifully! Amazing!
And I love what you're doling with your jelly roll! Wow!
So many good things going on here!
xo -E
I love the quilt going up and down!
I love the diamond quilt. I prefer the first picture, so that it looks like wood blocks stacked in rows. The second picture looks more like chevrons. Wow! I love that quilt, it is great!
Richard I think maybe the wavy quilt is just (in my humble opinion)a "manly quilt",and perhaps that is why Tonya thinks it is ugly.....when it is sideways my eyes are drawn to thinking "why all that blue in the 4th row and why that bunch of brown in the lower left......when I see it up and down, it all looks evenly spaced and wonderful! My vote is for up and down.....it looks like skyscrapers and it is beautiful! I have always loved the pieced squares so I think your Sis's quilt is just fabulous...someday I'm going to make one out of all my scrappy charms....keep up the good work....I feel so inadequate when I see how productive you are!
I like it, Richard. The granny squares look great, your DW grandmother will love it. As for the Gingham one, I like it.too. Of course it's a bit different ( more a guy quilt) but I like it anyway.
I like it, Richard. The granny squares look great, your DW grandmother will love it. As for the Gingham one, I like it.too. Of course it's a bit different ( more a guy quilt) but I like it anyway.
The granny square quilt turned out great!!!
I like the quilt top with the waves going down it looks like its in 3D!
The quilt for your sister looks like its going to be interesting! =D
You both have alot of fun things going on over there and that for sure is not an ugly quilt...the grandmother will love it!
I like it. It has great movement. Remember, Tanya is at the end of the pregnancy, and just wants that baby OUT. She'll like it better after the baby is born.
I don't think it is ugly at all, you should have a look at my Scrappy Quilt... That is ugly!
Allergic to cats and living with five? Brave soul. Cats are my favourites but I don't go near them since I've developed my allergy. :(
It's amazing how different the quilt looks depending on which way yo hold it! My vote is for upside down. :)
I like the up and down version. It isn't ugly at all. This month's lotto blocks use plaids. =)
Your quilts are amazing! It blows my mind to think of how many you have managed to make..nothing slack about your quilt making! I like your enthusiasm and determination it is very inspiring. I love the colours of the one for your wife it is lovely. Continueing to pray for a safe and comfortable arrival of your new baby, God bless you all:) Toni-Anne weftandwarp(at)hotmail(dot)com
I think your "ugly" quilt is cool. It looks like a bunch of blocks lined up perfectly. I like it!
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