I have made progress on the flight of the dragonfly's quilt for the 2 girls. I have 35 squares sewn together (its a 9 x 9 block) and have about 15 of those blocks cut in half flipped around and then sewn back together. The plan is to have 3.5 rows wide and 5 rows long (times 2) they will be placed in brick format. They are looking great so far. I am still having a hard time sewing straight and cutting them in half but hey they are cool even with the little flaws in them.

Yesterday I showed off my quilt for Doug to my brother he liked it, but said it was too small. He wants a large queen size (a little longer and wider then a normal queen) and he wanted different material. So the 2 of us went shopping at Jo-Ann's I was surprised by the 3 materials he picked.

They look good but not what I would have guessed. I also was able to give Doug his quilt last night (We are 11 year old scout leaders) He knew I was making him the quilt, but even knowing that he acted so funny when I gave him the quilt.

MEN! oh wait that's what my wife would say. LOL He then asked me how is he supposed to explain to his family he got a quilt and they do not. He has 2 cute little girls 6 and 4. I am sure in time I will just have to make them up a lap quilt. But his older boys, bah they will have to fend for themselves. Thanks for all the comments yesterday on the Hot pads. I need to get them all made and perhaps give a few away. Will have to come up with a good idea on that one. Thanks for all the advice and suggestions. I am new at this please put your 2 cents in and get me going in the right direction.
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Love your dragonfly blocks (they're called disappearing nine-patches). And the fabric your brother picked is going to make a really great quilt!
xo -E
And so it begins Richard. I gave my hubby the first big quilt that I made. Then someone saw the one I was making for my Mom in law and they wanted one. Then someone saw the one I made for my son and they wanted one... and so on.
The list of people I still have to make quilts for is so long and each year it seems to grow.... and I've been at this more than 20 years now!
I really like your blog and the stuff you've made so far is awesome! Soon you will have so much fabric you won't have to go to JoAnn when someone asks you for a quilt! LOL!!
OH! I also forgot to say that in those more than 20 years I haven't made a perfect quilt yet. :)
Hey, your purples look so great. :D I just laughed so hard when you said "MEN!" lol :D Those are bold colors that'll look great together. Unquestionably masculine, even. ;D
Purple is one of my very most favorite colors. Beautiful project in the making.
Your purples are so pretty - that's going to make a great looking quilt! Whoop whoop!!
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